dalekjs / dalek

[unmaintained] DalekJS Base framework
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Screenshot of element and checking diffence between images #112

Closed gskachkov closed 9 years ago

gskachkov commented 10 years ago

I've added additional selector parameter to screenshot method, that allow to make screenshot only selected element. Also when is making css refactoring we need to check that we have not modified page appearence. So I've added additional assert method that compare screenshot with some stored etalon png image. My changes contain modification in two modules:

  1. dalek.
    • Modified screenshot action to support selector of the element
       .assert.screenshotIsEqualTo('test/screenshots/google_etalon.png', true, 'Google Doodles')
  1. dalek-driver-native. fork of dalek-driver-native Added Image lib that support necessary for changes in dalek operations. Image lib relies on node-pngjs lib, that is simple pure js lib for work with png files.

I was inspired by @stoyanstefanov post (http://www.phpied.com/css-diffs-2/)

I'm quite new in github and open source contribution, so please let me know if I'm doing something in wrong way.

asciidisco commented 10 years ago

Wow. That is EXTREMELY sophisticated. Just wow. Although, I don't think it should be in core (because this is not the core goal of DalekJS).

BUT, by the end of next month we will restructure some of the internals of Dalek & will provide a plugin API & I will take care of your PR & migrate it to its won repository it will be the first DalekJS plugin ever.

Thank you so much.

Midako commented 9 years ago

Sry, if i'm writing in the Wrong Section, its my first time on Github Thank you for this wonderful function gskachkov, i was trying to use it....but i get some errors...maybe outdated ? if: .screenshot with selector parameter Error Output: { '0': undefined } if: .screenshot w/o selector parameter but with .assert.screenshotIsEqualTo('test/screenshots/google_etalon.png', true, 'Google Doodles') Error Output: { '0': [TypeError: Cannot call method 'apply' of undefined] }

gskachkov commented 9 years ago

@Midako I'll check, could you please provide browser that you used in your test?

Midako commented 9 years ago

@gskachkov im using Chrome usually, but the error appears on every browser i use OS: Win 7 Phantom 1.9.7 IE 11 Chrome 38.0.2125.104 (latest)

maybe it's a fail configure from me ? i did change the Action/Assert .js in dalekjs and added the pngjs lib to dalek-driver-native

krnlde commented 9 years ago

Phantom CSS does exactly that https://github.com/Huddle/PhantomCSS

Midako commented 9 years ago

@krnlde thanks for the hint, i know phantomcss...but i want to test gskachkov's compare script... with dalekjs

gskachkov commented 9 years ago

@Midako Just to double check. Have you downloaded fork of the dalek-driver-native? This link for it https://github.com/dalekjs/dalek-driver-native/pull/17 Changes were made in two repositories. dalek and dalek-driver-native

Midako commented 9 years ago

@gskachkov works like a charm, i did'nt changed the commands of dalek-driver-native

gskachkov commented 9 years ago

@Midako Just be aware that you can faced with some issues in making screenshot of the element in Chrome if selected element isn't fully visible on the screen, because of the issue in chrome driver https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=294. Fortunately PhantomJS doesn't have this issue.

As for know I haven't found elegant solution for this issue.

You can reproduce this issue by following script.

       .resize({width: 400, height: 500})
       .assert.screenshotIsEqualTo('test/screenshots/dalekjs_docs_actions_etalon.png', true, ' Selected element is bigger than screen')
Midako commented 9 years ago

@gskachkov Thank you, i do already know this. it should be possible to do something like this .execute(function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('element').offset().top + 'px' }, 'fast'); })

asciidisco commented 9 years ago

Change my mind, lets get this in :D Merged manually.

gskachkov commented 9 years ago

@asciidisco Cool! Let me know if I need to change/fix something, because it is not the clearest/easiest code.