daler / gffutils

GFF and GTF file manipulation and interconversion
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Trouble with db.region(..., completely_within=True) #234

Open Lservi opened 1 month ago

Lservi commented 1 month ago

I'm using your amazing library to work with some DNA modifications, which generally are 1 or 2 nucleotide "spots". while using the "completely_within=True" param I'm not getting anything back as I show in this example:

list(db.region(region=("scaffold_1", 6326, 6350), completely_within=True))
> []
list(db.region(region=("scaffold_1", 6326, 6350)))
> [<Feature region (scaffold_1:1-4111717[+]) at 0x7adce9063790>,
 <Feature tRNA (scaffold_1:6316-6404[+]) at 0x7adce94ca5d0>]

Am I using this parameter properly or is it just a bug?

Thanks in advance.