As a user, I should be able to register for a new account with Frolf App, by filling out a form with the username and password of my choice.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user wants to use the Frolf App
When the user first accesses the application
Then the user should be presented with a welcome screen
Given a user wants to register an account with Frolf App
Then a registration form should be displayed where the user can enter a username and password
Given a user had filled out both fields of the registration form
When the user clicks the submit button
Then the system should check if the username is unique
And if unique, a new account should be created
And the user should be taken to the main menu of the Frolf App
Given a user is already a registered member of Frolf App,
Then a sign-in form should be displayed where the user can enter their username and password.
When the user hits the submit button
Then the system should check that the username and password are correct and in the system
And if correct and in the system, the user should be taken to the primary view of Frolf App
[x] welcome page with links to register/ login
[x] registration form
[x] login form
[x] system checks if password match in database
[x] with succesful login, submit redirects to primary view
Story As a user, I should be able to register for a new account with Frolf App, by filling out a form with the username and password of my choice.
Acceptance Criteria Given a user wants to use the Frolf App When the user first accesses the application Then the user should be presented with a welcome screen
Given a user wants to register an account with Frolf App Then a registration form should be displayed where the user can enter a username and password
Given a user had filled out both fields of the registration form When the user clicks the submit button Then the system should check if the username is unique And if unique, a new account should be created And the user should be taken to the main menu of the Frolf App
Given a user is already a registered member of Frolf App,
Then a sign-in form should be displayed where the user can enter their username and password. When the user hits the submit button Then the system should check that the username and password are correct and in the system And if correct and in the system, the user should be taken to the primary view of Frolf App
[x] welcome page with links to register/ login
[x] registration form
[x] login form
[x] system checks if password match in database
[x] with succesful login, submit redirects to primary view