When using a jade template in Meteor 1.4+, jade crashes on compile on Jade templates, with an error of Cannot read property 'head' of undefined.
I've tried this with several simple apps, and I managed to reproduce it in the simple-todos app.
I am consistently running into this issue, and I can see no reason why I would get this error.
Steps to reproduce using the meteor simple-todos example:
So far so good. Now lets replace one of the html templates, in this case imports/ui/body.html with body.jade:
h1 Todo List (#{incompleteCount})
Hide Completed Tasks
if currentUser
input(type='text', name='text', placeholder='Type to add new tasks')
each tasks
When using a jade template in Meteor 1.4+, jade crashes on compile on Jade templates, with an error of
Cannot read property 'head' of undefined
.I've tried this with several simple apps, and I managed to reproduce it in the simple-todos app.
I am consistently running into this issue, and I can see no reason why I would get this error.
Steps to reproduce using the meteor simple-todos example:
So far so good. Now lets replace one of the html templates, in this case imports/ui/body.html with body.jade:
This results in the error: