dalgibbard / citrix_xenserver_patcher

Auto / Manual Patching tool for Citrix XenServer Boxes
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Cannot install 6.2 SP1 patch with XenServer Tools (xs-tools.iso) mounted in VM CD drive #13

Closed benze closed 9 years ago

benze commented 10 years ago

Running patcher.py on a new XenServer 6.2 install ended up with the following error msg with no real details as to why it failed:

Starting patching...
Downloading: XS62ESP1.zip
Download Size: 311454853 Bytes
  311454853  [100.00%]
Applying: XS62ESP1
Internal Upload...
Patch internal upload failed for: XS62ESP1.xsupdate

I had to try to install the patch manually using:

xe patch-apply host-uuid=a1abb0a20-xxxx-xxxx-9d0b-4c8b15212392 uuid=0850b186-4d47-11e3-a720-001b2151a503
The patch precheck stage failed with an unknown error.  See attached info for more details.
patch: 0850b186-4d47-11e3-a720-001b2151a503 (XS62ESP1)
info: XenServer Tools ISO must be ejected from all running VMs.

Problem was fairly easily to resolve by doing a :

xe vm-cd-eject --multiple

Maybe part of the patch process should be to eject the CDs first from all vms?

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

I'll definitely look to implement this at some point soon :)

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

I've put a quick something together, but haven't tested it myself firsthand as yet.

Code change is at: https://github.com/dalgibbard/citrix_xenserver_patcher/compare/issue13

You can download this updated version directly using:

wget -O patcher.py --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/dalgibbard/citrix_xenserver_patcher/issue13/patcher.py

If you could perhaps test this and let me know the result?

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

Slight amendment; Issue 13 code has been committed into master branch now anyway :) But give it a go nonetheless.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

@Daniel-Furcht commented on the merge to say that this works, so i'll close this one too :) Productive day!