dalgibbard / citrix_xenserver_patcher

Auto / Manual Patching tool for Citrix XenServer Boxes
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[BUG] Re-evaluate where to obtain the Hostname from #28

Closed ArjanMyer closed 9 years ago

ArjanMyer commented 9 years ago

When the 'name-label' which is displayed in the host-list is for example written in uppercase and the 'hostname' that is derived from /etc/sysconfig/network is written in lower-case then the script is not able to find the UUID. Changing the 'name-label' of the XenServer to lower-case by hand solved the issue. Proposal is to convert the 'name-label' and hostname to lowercase in the script.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

Sounds reasonable; would just need to cross check that if we call anything directly using the 'name-label' that it's case insensitive... Else we'll just need to ignore case sensitivity for identifying the name-label, and store the 'PrOpEr' one.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

Based on #30 - sounds like we need to reconsider where we get our hostname from again...

thctlo commented 9 years ago

Hi, im have a look again. in commenting on : When the 'name-label' which is displayed in the host-list is for example written in uppercase and the 'hostname' that is derived from /etc/sysconfig/network is written in lower-case then the script is not able to find the UUID.

If you change the "name" in XenCenter and not the servers hostname, which i did in my case, than the script wil fail also. running : xe host-list --minimal is in my opinion sufficient for getting the HOSTUUID.

and if you really need to match with hostname, then i suggest, to get the hostname variables and lowercase them all then do the compair.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

I agree with your last point; but not necessarily in cases where the host is part of a pool- pretty sure it returns all pool nodes in that scenario?

thctlo commented 9 years ago

thats a good one. I dont use pools over here, im running the free xenserver. So i cant test that. Im testing now on xen 6.5 change the code to just : xe host-list params=uuid --minimal and ./patcher -l reports nicely all patches back.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

I've merged #36 in now; could someone affected by this confirm if this works as expected now? Any cases where it's still not working as desired? I'm hoping to spend a bit of time on this script the week after next, see if I can get the remaining issues closed off!

thctlo commented 9 years ago

Ok, i have found the problem in the name detection of patcher i think.
( tested in single host environment )

The problem is, my server has a hostname: TEST-XEN1 In the XenCenter, i changed that to : TEST-XEN1

This is where the problem is. running ./patcher -l ./patcher.py -l Getting host list using: /opt/xensource/bin/xe host-list name-label=grep "^HOSTNAME=" /etc/sysconfig/network | awk -F= '{print$2}' params=uuid --minimal Detected HOST UUID: Error: Failed to obtain HOSTUUID from XE CLI

running the command : xe host-list name-label=grep "^HOSTNAME=" /etc/sysconfig/network | awk -F= '{print$2}' params=uuid --minimal returns nothing.

xe host-list name-label=TEST-XEN1 same, nothing

but this one : xe host-list name-label='TEST-XEN1 ' retuns the needed info.

so if the hostname is different from the name you see in xencenter it fails. and running : xe host-list name-label='TEST-XEN1 ' params=uuid --minimal works as it should.

so if the name-label value in xencenter is different as "hostname" it cant detect the uuid. as test, i renamed the server in xencenter back to the same as the hostname and patcher works fine then.

I hope this helps you.

carlbb commented 9 years ago

Is there a legacy support reason we are using hostname to filter on the name-label to lookup the host UUID ?

The name label seems volatile and descriptive term in xencenter

Can we please use xe host-list hostname switch instead? xecli host-list name-label=grep "^HOSTNAME=" /etc/sysconfig/network | awk -F= \'{print$2}\' params=uuid --minimal') xecli host-list hostname=grep "^HOSTNAME=" /etc/sysconfig/network | awk -F= \'{print$2}\' params=uuid --minimal')

[root@server1~]# xe host-list name-label=server server1\ Legacy\ Access\ Server server2\ Legacy\ Access\ Server server3\ Remote\ Access\ Servers server4\ Database\ and\ User\ Clients

[root@server1 ~]# xe host-list hostname=server server1 server2 server3 server4

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

@carlbb - assuming this is supported by XS6.2 onwards; this seems like the best approach, assuming it consistently matches the system/OS hostname?

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

I've switched to using `xe host-list hostname= in the code I have here which should be checked in shortly-ish. Seems like the logical approach.

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

Change has been committed now; can anyone confirm if this does/doesn't resolve the issue for them?

carlbb commented 9 years ago

The change has worked on my testing pools version 6.2 SP1

thctlo commented 9 years ago

Hai, thanks for the change. ! Works great now for me also in a non pool environment. Tested on Xen 6.2sp1 and 6.5 and 6.5sp1

dalgibbard commented 9 years ago

Excellent stuff! I'll close this off for now then; but can reopen if we find it to still be an issue.