daliansky / XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh

XiaoMi NoteBook Pro Hackintosh
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Anyone had issues with black flickering when watching something fullscreen using Brave browser? #505

Open larryare opened 3 years ago

larryare commented 3 years ago


I'm on Big Sur, latest firmware and I did all improvements, except hiDPI fix.

It'd be great if someone had this issue and somehow fixed it. It doesn't flicker when playing videos in Safari or Firefox, VLC or IINA, only in Brave. I also tried turning hardware acceleration off but it didn't help.

Here's a video of the problem.

jackreeves commented 3 years ago

i've had this on both my Xiaomi hacks for a while in Chrome. Seems to happen worse fullscreen in youtube and Netflix. One is on Catalina and the others on Big Sur. Ones on OC and the other Clover. Just learnt to ignore it.

zakirovde commented 3 years ago

i've noticed, that it doesn't flicker, when i choose 720p quality. on a higher quality it either flickers or not randomly. you could try it yourself.

larryare commented 3 years ago

@zakirovde ohh, that's why it sometimes doesn't flicker. But why does it flicker only on chrome based browsers?

larryare commented 3 years ago

@zakirovde I just noticed that 4k and 1440p also fixes the problem.

LightningBoltsNFTs commented 3 years ago

Me too in Catalina and Big Sur on Chrome when I fullscreen 1080p videos

Menchen commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed with hardware video acceleration(you can check the status in about:gpu) as Apple added VP9 hardware decode in Big Sur, you might need to enable it inabout://flags/#videotoolbox-vp9-decoding.

larryare commented 3 years ago

Forcing VP9 to enabled did not clear the issue.

Here's my about:gpu


Menchen commented 3 years ago

@larryare could you post video decode info in about:gpu? Just scroll down and you will find it. Also can you confirm that you’re using vp9 by opening yt and right click for video stats?

larryare commented 3 years ago

It is VP9 on Youtube stats, however flickering goes away if there's something else on the screen, eg. seekbar, subtitles, video stats. image image image

Menchen commented 3 years ago

@larryare I suppose you have the same output like this? (It's in about:gpu, you need to scroll down further ) image

influenist commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. When watching Netflix or ESPN (former FOX sports) in Chrome.

larryare commented 3 years ago

@Menchen Yes, I do. Sorry for late reply. image

Menchen commented 3 years ago

@larryare Then it must be DVMT/ig-platform-id... I have changed the ig-platform-id when I upgraded to Bug Sur. See https://github.com/daliansky/XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh/wiki/Set-DVMT-to-64mb You need to patch BIOS first. And I did the optional flag too.

EDIT: Maybe the resolution matter too... I'm using 1600x900 right now.

larryare commented 3 years ago

@Menchen I've set my DVMT to 128mb, I tried with ig-platform-id and without the change, it was still the same. Is there a way to reinstall OS X without doing everything from scratch (I've tried recovery tool but it reinstalls in place).

simon-caignart commented 3 years ago

Hi, Has anyone found a solution for this problem ? Black flickering on youtube and NetFlix are quite annoying haha. Thanks

stevezhengshiqi commented 2 years ago

According to some other users, changing color profile to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 could solve the problem. This color profile is used by Windows.

AmiK2001 commented 2 years ago

Seems like disabling hardware acceleration in chrome helped me.

Menchen commented 2 years ago

@AmiK2001 disabling hardware acceleration is a workaround but not an answer, the problem with software renderer is high cpu utilisation.