daliansky / XiaoXinPro-13-hackintosh

Lenovo XiaoXin Pro 13 2019 Hackintosh
879 stars 136 forks source link

BCM94360Z4在13.3蓝牙无法连接手机,搜索不到iPhone,输入命令现实如下 #243

Open ReginaldZZZ opened 1 year ago

ReginaldZZZ commented 1 year ago

BCM94360Z4驱动信息: macOS版本: 13.3 引导参数: "alcid=100 igfxrpsc=1 -igfxblr hbfx-ahbm=7 hbfx-patch-pci=XHC"

机型或主板: 网卡信息:

"compatible"=<"pcia618,bb8","pci14e4,43a0","pciclass,028000","PXSX"> Card Type: Third-Party Wireless Card MAC Address: 04:11:19:c7:f9:9a MAC Address: e6:b3:25:12:fa:fb Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded No variant specified, falling back to release "IO80211CountryCode"="X0" 蓝牙信息:

2023-04-03 02:26:16.692 system_profiler[675:6064] SPUSBDevice: IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService failed 0xe00002be 2023-04-03 02:26:16.692 system_profiler[675:6064] SPUSBDevice: IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService failed 0xe00002be Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded No variant specified, falling back to release
