dalibo / ldap2pg

:elephant: :busts_in_silhouette: Manage PostgreSQL roles and privileges from YAML or LDAP
PostgreSQL License
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Connect to different Postgres Servers #628

Closed pc-dok closed 4 months ago

pc-dok commented 4 months ago

Hi all

I am wondering if i am the only one, but for me it is not clear how i can use ldap2pg on a central server in our environment, where i have let say, for every postgres server a yaml config. so that i can manage all postgres server from this server. so i struggeling in the creation of the yaml config, to find out, where i must add my servers, so that ldap2pg know, where he must go. LDAP is clear for me, but where i define the remote postgres servers? is it something with DSN or so. Is there a example how to connect to remote postgres servers? sorry for asking, but in the example, i dont find this point!

regards franco