dalibo / pev2

Postgres Explain Visualizer 2
PostgreSQL License
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Having issues with POST requests from pgBadger reports #619

Open kmoradha opened 7 months ago

kmoradha commented 7 months ago

I've set up a private installation of the PEV2 demo, using the provided index.html file, so that I can visualize explain plans using this excellent tool without have to upload details outside of our network.

I'm also using pgBadger to analyze PostgreSQL logs configured to include explain plans via auto_explain. The pgBadger reports are configured to send the explain plans to my private PEV2 demo installation (via POST requests) using the --explain-url argument, but the demo install doesn't seem to be accepting the parameters, i.e. when I click "Explain Plan" from the pgBadger report, I just get the blank "New Plan" form in PEV2.

I'm using latest pgBadger (12.2) and latest PEV2 (1.8.0), and I've used my browser dev panel to confirm that the request parameters are being sent in the POST request. I've also tried this with both Firefox and Chrome.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? I know I can just copy-and-paste the explain plan from the pgBadger report to the "New Plan" form, but I was hoping for a little integration magic. :)