dalibo / temboard

PostgreSQL Remote Control
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temBoard agent v0.0.1 - Charts are Empty - Continuation of Old Case 191 #201

Closed bsislow closed 6 years ago

bsislow commented 6 years ago

Original case: https://github.com/dalibo/temboard/issues/191 "temboard-agent: [supervision_sender_worker] ERROR: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error #191"

We enabled DEBUG mode and see the following when going to the Supervision section for "Charts - Last day." Full stack trace/DEBUG mode is below.

We have disabled DEBUG mode as it generates too much logging. We believe the information below is sufficient.

We are on agent and server version 0.0.1 as we cannot upgrade immediately at this time. Can you make a recommendation as to why the charts on some servers are empty at this version?

We have some servers in temBoard on the same version where charts are working. We cannot find the difference and need your help.

2017-10-02 11:07:20,481 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: commandid=fba50d030fe47a0774315ea5bedd8149
2017-10-02 11:07:20,494 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: locks
2017-10-02 11:07:20,494 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: process
2017-10-02 11:07:20,494 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: wal_files
2017-10-02 11:07:20,494 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: blocks
2017-10-02 11:07:20,494 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: db_size
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: tblspc_size
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: sessions
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: xacts
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: replication
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: loadavg
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: filesystems_size
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: cpu
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: bgwriter
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] INFO: Loaded probe: memory
2017-10-02 11:07:20,495 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Validate connection information on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,508 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Starting probe run
2017-10-02 11:07:20,509 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "locks" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,515 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running host probe process
2017-10-02 11:07:20,516 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "wal_files" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,525 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "blocks" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,529 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "db_size" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,533 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "tblspc_size" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,537 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "sessions" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,542 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "xacts" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,547 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "replication" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,547 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running host probe loadavg
2017-10-02 11:07:20,547 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running host probe filesystems_size
2017-10-02 11:07:20,550 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running host probe cpu
2017-10-02 11:07:20,554 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running instance level probe "bgwriter" on instance "dbpg07-chi"
2017-10-02 11:07:20,557 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Running host probe memory
2017-10-02 11:07:20,558 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Finished probe run
2017-10-02 11:07:20,558 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Collected data: {'instances': [{'available': True, 'tablespaces': None, 'dbnames': [{u'size': 38670293528, u'dbname': u'ishare', u'encoding': u'UTF8'}, {u'size': 7518744, u'dbname': u'template1', u'encoding': u'UTF8'}, {u'size': 10836504, u'dbname': u'repmgr', u'encoding': u'UTF8'}, {u'size': 7518744, u'dbname': u'postgres', u'encoding': u'UTF8'}], 'version_num': 90603, 'database': 'postgres', 'standby': False, 'hostname': 'dbpg07.chi.accertify.net', 'instance': 'dbpg07-chi', 'host': '/tmp', 'version': u'9.6.3', 'user': 'temboard', 'data_directory': u'/pgdata/9.6', 'local_name': 'dbpg07-chi', 'port': 45221, 'sysuser': 'postgres'}], 'version': '0.0.1', 'data': {'wal_files': [{'archive_ready': 0, 'total_size': 8455716864.0, 'written_size': 1869344, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18949794769287, 'current_location': u'72/8BDA11D8', 'total': 504, 'port': 45221}], 'xacts': [{'measure_interval': 60.18935298919678, u'n_rollback': 0.0, u'n_commit': 296.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.544732-05', 'port': 45221, u'dbname': u'postgres'}, {'measure_interval': 60.18937611579895, u'n_rollback': 0.0, u'n_commit': 2.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.544732-05', 'port': 45221, u'dbname': u'template1'}, {'measure_interval': 60.18943905830383, u'n_rollback': 0.0, u'n_commit': 12.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.544732-05', 'port': 45221, u'dbname': u'repmgr'}, {'measure_interval': 60.1894690990448, u'n_rollback': 31.0, u'n_commit': 2686.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.544732-05', 'port': 45221, u'dbname': u'ishare'}], 'blocks': [{u'blks_read': 2.0, u'dbname': u'postgres', 'measure_interval': 60.1892991065979, u'hitmiss_ratio': 99.9848279324621, u'blks_hit': 23296.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.52714-05', 'port': 45221}, {u'blks_read': 0.0, u'dbname': u'template1', 'measure_interval': 60.189340114593506, u'hitmiss_ratio': 99.7397346459753, u'blks_hit': 69.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.52714-05', 'port': 45221}, {u'blks_read': 0.0, u'dbname': u'repmgr', 'measure_interval': 60.18931698799133, u'hitmiss_ratio': 99.8490120833539, u'blks_hit': 131.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.52714-05', 'port': 45221}, {u'blks_read': 12262.0, u'dbname': u'ishare', 'measure_interval': 60.189290046691895, u'hitmiss_ratio': 92.4949309831096, u'blks_hit': 65232.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.52714-05', 'port': 45221}], 'replication': [], 'sessions': [{u'idle_in_xact': 87, u'idle_in_xact_aborted': 0, u'no_priv': 0, u'idle': 15, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.539574-05', u'disabled': 0, u'waiting': 0, 'port': 45221, u'active': 0, u'dbname': u'ishare', u'fastpath': 0}, {u'idle_in_xact': 0, u'idle_in_xact_aborted': 0, u'no_priv': 0, u'idle': 1, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.539574-05', u'disabled': 0, u'waiting': 0, 'port': 45221, u'active': 1, u'dbname': u'postgres', u'fastpath': 0}, {u'idle_in_xact': 0, u'idle_in_xact_aborted': 0, u'no_priv': 0, u'idle': 1, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.539574-05', u'disabled': 0, u'waiting': 0, 'port': 45221, u'active': 0, u'dbname': u'repmgr', u'fastpath': 0}, {u'idle_in_xact': 0, u'idle_in_xact_aborted': 0, u'no_priv': 0, u'idle': 0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.539574-05', u'disabled': 0, u'waiting': 0, 'port': 45221, u'active': 0, u'dbname': u'template1', u'fastpath': 0}], 'process': [{'measure_interval': 60.18919587135315, 'procs_total': '375', 'forks': 335, 'procs_blocked': 0, 'context_switches': 145987, 'procs_running': 3, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}], 'bgwriter': [{u'buffers_backend': 0.0, u'buffers_alloc': 19585.0, u'stats_reset': u'2017-07-14 14:51:29.99927-05', u'buffers_backend_fsync': 0.0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.556454-05', u'maxwritten_clean': 0.0, 'port': 45221, u'checkpoint_write_time': 0.0, u'checkpoints_timed': 0.0, u'buffers_clean': 608.0, u'checkpoint_sync_time': 0.0, u'checkpoints_req': 0.0, 'measure_interval': 60.18980598449707, u'buffers_checkpoint': 0.0}], 'filesystems_size': [{'device': u'/dev/mapper/centos-root', 'total': 40237273088, 'mount_point': u'/', 'used': 3590197248, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'devtmpfs', 'total': 33682579456, 'mount_point': u'/dev', 'used': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/dev/shm', 'used': 24576, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/run', 'used': 403070976, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/sys/fs/cgroup', 'used': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'/dev/vda1', 'total': 520794112, 'mount_point': u'/boot', 'used': 164532224, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'/dev/mapper/vgpostgres-pgdata', 'total': 1098970566656, 'mount_point': u'/pgdata', 'used': 47805276160, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'', 'total': 281472822935552, 'mount_point': u'/backup04', 'used': 253554805702656, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 6738780160, 'mount_point': u'/run/user/261400094', 'used': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}, {'device': u'backup02.chi.accertify.net:/pgbackup', 'total': 70366602985472, 'mount_point': u'/pgbackup', 'used': 72995569664, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}], 'cpu': [{'time_system': 180, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 60, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189496994018555, 'time_idle': 59590, 'cpu': 'cpu0', 'time_user': 260}, {'time_system': 150, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 190, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18952989578247, 'time_idle': 59580, 'cpu': 'cpu1', 'time_user': 210}, {'time_system': 220, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 400, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189509868621826, 'time_idle': 59160, 'cpu': 'cpu2', 'time_user': 340}, {'time_system': 50, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 30, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189513206481934, 'time_idle': 60010, 'cpu': 'cpu3', 'time_user': 70}, {'time_system': 100, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 130, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18954396247864, 'time_idle': 59690, 'cpu': 'cpu4', 'time_user': 230}, {'time_system': 10, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189493894577026, 'time_idle': 60150, 'cpu': 'cpu5', 'time_user': 10}, {'time_system': 50, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 90, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189553022384644, 'time_idle': 59940, 'cpu': 'cpu6', 'time_user': 80}, {'time_system': 30, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18952989578247, 'time_idle': 60140, 'cpu': 'cpu7', 'time_user': 20}, {'time_system': 30, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 20, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18957185745239, 'time_idle': 60110, 'cpu': 'cpu8', 'time_user': 30}, {'time_system': 80, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 150, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18954300880432, 'time_idle': 59750, 'cpu': 'cpu9', 'time_user': 190}, {'time_system': 50, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18959307670593, 'time_idle': 60080, 'cpu': 'cpu10', 'time_user': 60}, {'time_system': 20, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18963885307312, 'time_idle': 60150, 'cpu': 'cpu11', 'time_user': 10}, {'time_system': 10, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189653158187866, 'time_idle': 60160, 'cpu': 'cpu12', 'time_user': 10}, {'time_system': 1460, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 2780, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.18962001800537, 'time_idle': 51920, 'cpu': 'cpu13', 'time_user': 3130}, {'time_system': 40, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 10, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189608097076416, 'time_idle': 60030, 'cpu': 'cpu14', 'time_user': 90}, {'time_system': 0, 'time_steal': 0, 'time_iowait': 0, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000', 'measure_interval': 60.189589977264404, 'time_idle': 60180, 'cpu': 'cpu15', 'time_user': 0}], 'locks': [{u'exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share_row_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share': 0, u'row_share': 0, u'waiting_row_exclusive': 0, u'share_row_exclusive': 0, 'port': 45221, u'share': 0, u'waiting_access_share': 0, u'dbname': u'ishare', u'row_exclusive': 0, u'share_update_exclusive': 0, u'access_share': 260, u'access_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_exclusive': 0, u'siread': 0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.511086-05', u'waiting_share_update_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_row_share': 0, u'waiting_access_exclusive': 0}, {u'exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share_row_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share': 0, u'row_share': 0, u'waiting_row_exclusive': 0, u'share_row_exclusive': 0, 'port': 45221, u'share': 0, u'waiting_access_share': 0, u'dbname': u'postgres', u'row_exclusive': 0, u'share_update_exclusive': 0, u'access_share': 1, u'access_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_exclusive': 0, u'siread': 0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.511086-05', u'waiting_share_update_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_row_share': 0, u'waiting_access_exclusive': 0}, {u'exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share_row_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share': 0, u'row_share': 0, u'waiting_row_exclusive': 0, u'share_row_exclusive': 0, 'port': 45221, u'share': 0, u'waiting_access_share': 0, u'dbname': u'repmgr', u'row_exclusive': 0, u'share_update_exclusive': 0, u'access_share': 0, u'access_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_exclusive': 0, u'siread': 0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.511086-05', u'waiting_share_update_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_row_share': 0, u'waiting_access_exclusive': 0}, {u'exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share_row_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_share': 0, u'row_share': 0, u'waiting_row_exclusive': 0, u'share_row_exclusive': 0, 'port': 45221, u'share': 0, u'waiting_access_share': 0, u'dbname': u'template1', u'row_exclusive': 0, u'share_update_exclusive': 0, u'access_share': 0, u'access_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_exclusive': 0, u'siread': 0, u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.511086-05', u'waiting_share_update_exclusive': 0, u'waiting_row_share': 0, u'waiting_access_exclusive': 0}], 'loadavg': [{'load1': '0.17', 'load15': '0.14', 'load5': '0.15', 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}], 'db_size': [{'port': 45221, u'size': 7518744, u'dbname': u'postgres', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.531733-05'}, {'port': 45221, u'size': 7518744, u'dbname': u'template1', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.531733-05'}, {'port': 45221, u'size': 10836504, u'dbname': u'repmgr', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.531733-05'}, {'port': 45221, u'size': 38670293528, u'dbname': u'ishare', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.531733-05'}], 'memory': [{'mem_used': 50357788672, 'swap_used': 0, 'swap_total': 2164256768, 'mem_total': 67387781120, 'mem_cached': 48319750144, 'mem_free': 17029992448, 'mem_buffers': 69632, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}], 'tblspc_size': [{u'size': 42232426, 'port': 45221, u'spcname': u'pg_default', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.53562-05'}, {u'size': 607000, 'port': 45221, u'spcname': u'pg_global', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.53562-05'}, {u'size': 38661390336, 'port': 45221, u'spcname': u'ishare_data', u'datetime': u'2017-10-02 11:07:20.53562-05'}]}, 'hostinfo': {'os_version': '3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64', 'cpu_count': 16, 'memory_size': 67387781120, 'cpu_arch': 'x86_64', 'os_flavor': 'CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)', 'ip_addresses': [u'', u'', u''], 'hostname': 'dbpg07.chi.accertify.net', 'os': 'Linux', 'cpus': [{'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '0', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '1', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '2', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '3', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '4', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '5', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '6', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '7', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '8', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '9', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '10', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '11', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '12', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '13', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '14', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}, {'cache_size': '4096 KB', 'core_id': '0', 'cpu_mhz': '2399.996', 'processor': '15', 'model_name': 'Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)'}], 'filesystems': [{'device': u'/dev/mapper/centos-root', 'total': 40237273088, 'mount_point': u'/', 'used': 3589709824}, {'device': u'devtmpfs', 'total': 33682579456, 'mount_point': u'/dev', 'used': 0}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/dev/shm', 'used': 24576}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/run', 'used': 403070976}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 33693888512, 'mount_point': u'/sys/fs/cgroup', 'used': 0}, {'device': u'/dev/vda1', 'total': 520794112, 'mount_point': u'/boot', 'used': 164532224}, {'device': u'/dev/mapper/vgpostgres-pgdata', 'total': 1098970566656, 'mount_point': u'/pgdata', 'used': 47805276160}, {'device': u'', 'total': 281472822935552, 'mount_point': u'/backup04', 'used': 253554805702656}, {'device': u'tmpfs', 'total': 6738780160, 'mount_point': u'/run/user/261400094', 'used': 0}, {'device': u'backup02.chi.accertify.net:/pgbackup', 'total': 70366602985472, 'mount_point': u'/pgbackup', 'used': 72995569664}]}, 'datetime': '2017-10-02 16:07:20 +0000'}
2017-10-02 11:07:20,575 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Duration: 95.8649902344.
2017-10-02 11:07:20,575 temboard-agent[32089]: [supervision_collector_worker] DEBUG: Done.
2017-10-02 11:07:20,610 temboard-agent[32088]: [dashboard_collector] DEBUG: Duration: 131.841308594.
2017-10-02 11:07:20,610 temboard-agent[32088]: [dashboard_collector] DEBUG: Done.
2017-10-02 11:07:20,981 temboard-agent[31405]: [scheduler] DEBUG: Removing command with commandid=b56960e2409653d5c5e86597f17e888d.
2017-10-02 11:07:20,990 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: Sending output to
2017-10-02 11:07:20,996 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: Output is:'{"instances": [{"available": true, "tablespaces": null, "dbnames": [{"size": 38595385880, "dbname": "ishare", "encoding": "UTF8"}, {"size": 7518744, "dbname": "template1", "encoding": "UTF8"}, {"size": 10836504, "dbname": "repmgr", "encoding": "UTF8"}, {"size": 7518744, "dbname": "postgres", "encoding": "UTF8"}], "version_num": 90603, "database": "postgres", "standby": false, "hostname": "dbpg07.chi.accertify.net", "instance": "dbpg07-chi", "host": "/tmp", "version": "9.6.3", "user": "temboard", "data_directory": "/pgdata/9.6", "local_name": "dbpg07-chi", "port": 45221, "sysuser": "postgres"}], "version": "0.0.1", "data": {"wal_files": [{"archive_ready": 0, "total_size": 9009364992.0, "written_size": 1117176, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17504906654358, "current_location": "72/63228B78", "total": 537, "port": 45221}], "xacts": [{"measure_interval": 60.17562294006348, "n_rollback": 0.0, "n_commit": 296.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.838173-05", "port": 45221, "dbname": "postgres"}, {"measure_interval": 60.17564010620117, "n_rollback": 0.0, "n_commit": 2.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.838173-05", "port": 45221, "dbname": "template1"}, {"measure_interval": 60.17560791969299, "n_rollback": 0.0, "n_commit": 12.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.838173-05", "port": 45221, "dbname": "repmgr"}, {"measure_interval": 60.17562794685364, "n_rollback": 24.0, "n_commit": 2000.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.838173-05", "port": 45221, "dbname": "ishare"}], "blocks": [{"blks_read": 0.0, "dbname": "postgres", "measure_interval": 60.175496101379395, "hitmiss_ratio": 99.9846039121856, "blks_hit": 23298.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.821089-05", "port": 45221}, {"blks_read": 0.0, "dbname": "template1", "measure_interval": 60.17555093765259, "hitmiss_ratio": 99.7557819912601, "blks_hit": 69.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.821089-05", "port": 45221}, {"blks_read": 0.0, "dbname": "repmgr", "measure_interval": 60.175532817840576, "hitmiss_ratio": 99.8508636396521, "blks_hit": 131.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.821089-05", "port": 45221}, {"blks_read": 236.0, "dbname": "ishare", "measure_interval": 60.17546606063843, "hitmiss_ratio": 92.5883986441088, "blks_hit": 25470.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.821089-05", "port": 45221}], "replication": [], "sessions": [{"idle_in_xact": 88, "idle_in_xact_aborted": 0, "no_priv": 0, "idle": 9, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.832942-05", "disabled": 0, "waiting": 0, "port": 45221, "active": 0, "dbname": "ishare", "fastpath": 0}, {"idle_in_xact": 0, "idle_in_xact_aborted": 0, "no_priv": 0, "idle": 1, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.832942-05", "disabled": 0, "waiting": 0, "port": 45221, "active": 1, "dbname": "postgres", "fastpath": 0}, {"idle_in_xact": 0, "idle_in_xact_aborted": 0, "no_priv": 0, "idle": 1, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.832942-05", "disabled": 0, "waiting": 0, "port": 45221, "active": 0, "dbname": "repmgr", "fastpath": 0}, {"idle_in_xact": 0, "idle_in_xact_aborted": 0, "no_priv": 0, "idle": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.832942-05", "disabled": 0, "waiting": 0, "port": 45221, "active": 0, "dbname": "template1", "fastpath": 0}], "process": [{"measure_interval": 60.17506289482117, "procs_total": "362", "forks": 326, "procs_blocked": 0, "context_switches": 100923, "procs_running": 2, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}], "bgwriter": [{"buffers_backend": 12.0, "buffers_alloc": 9407.0, "stats_reset": "2017-07-14 14:51:29.99927-05", "buffers_backend_fsync": 0.0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.853274-05", "maxwritten_clean": 0.0, "port": 45221, "checkpoint_write_time": 0.0, "checkpoints_timed": 0.0, "buffers_clean": 227.0, "checkpoint_sync_time": 0.0, "checkpoints_req": 0.0, "measure_interval": 60.1794159412384, "buffers_checkpoint": 409.0}], "filesystems_size": [{"device": "/dev/mapper/centos-root", "total": 40237273088, "mount_point": "/", "used": 3597787136, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "devtmpfs", "total": 33682579456, "mount_point": "/dev", "used": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/dev/shm", "used": 24576, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/run", "used": 403042304, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/sys/fs/cgroup", "used": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "/dev/vda1", "total": 520794112, "mount_point": "/boot", "used": 164532224, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "/dev/mapper/vgpostgres-pgdata", "total": 1098970566656, "mount_point": "/pgdata", "used": 47711465472, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "", "total": 281472822935552, "mount_point": "/backup04", "used": 262855429455872, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 6738780160, "mount_point": "/run/user/261400094", "used": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}, {"device": "backup02.chi.accertify.net:/pgbackup", "total": 70366602985472, "mount_point": "/pgbackup", "used": 70855426048, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}], "cpu": [{"time_system": 120, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 30, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.179654121398926, "time_idle": 59630, "cpu": "cpu0", "time_user": 280}, {"time_system": 110, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 20, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17970013618469, "time_idle": 59660, "cpu": "cpu1", "time_user": 300}, {"time_system": 70, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17971706390381, "time_idle": 60030, "cpu": "cpu2", "time_user": 50}, {"time_system": 190, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 10, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17973709106445, "time_idle": 59690, "cpu": "cpu3", "time_user": 240}, {"time_system": 30, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.179723024368286, "time_idle": 60100, "cpu": "cpu4", "time_user": 40}, {"time_system": 70, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 10, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.179736852645874, "time_idle": 60040, "cpu": "cpu5", "time_user": 40}, {"time_system": 20, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17972707748413, "time_idle": 60110, "cpu": "cpu6", "time_user": 30}, {"time_system": 40, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17971181869507, "time_idle": 60110, "cpu": "cpu7", "time_user": 30}, {"time_system": 40, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17968678474426, "time_idle": 60120, "cpu": "cpu8", "time_user": 20}, {"time_system": 40, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.1796760559082, "time_idle": 60120, "cpu": "cpu9", "time_user": 10}, {"time_system": 30, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.179692029953, "time_idle": 60130, "cpu": "cpu10", "time_user": 20}, {"time_system": 30, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 10, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17973017692566, "time_idle": 60010, "cpu": "cpu11", "time_user": 80}, {"time_system": 30, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17971897125244, "time_idle": 60090, "cpu": "cpu12", "time_user": 60}, {"time_system": 770, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 450, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.179696798324585, "time_idle": 56360, "cpu": "cpu13", "time_user": 1810}, {"time_system": 0, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17966294288635, "time_idle": 60170, "cpu": "cpu14", "time_user": 10}, {"time_system": 0, "time_steal": 0, "time_iowait": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000", "measure_interval": 60.17964291572571, "time_idle": 60170, "cpu": "cpu15", "time_user": 10}], "locks": [{"exclusive": 0, "waiting_share_row_exclusive": 0, "waiting_share": 0, "row_share": 0, "waiting_row_exclusive": 0, "share_row_exclusive": 0, "port": 45221, "share": 0, "waiting_access_share": 0, "dbname": "ishare", "row_exclusive": 0, "share_update_exclusive": 0, "access_share": 260, "access_exclusive": 0, "waiting_exclusive": 0, "siread": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.805551-05", "waiting_share_update_exclusive": 0, "waiting_row_share": 0, "waiting_access_exclusive": 0}, {"exclusive": 0, "waiting_share_row_exclusive": 0, "waiting_share": 0, "row_share": 0, "waiting_row_exclusive": 0, "share_row_exclusive": 0, "port": 45221, "share": 0, "waiting_access_share": 0, "dbname": "postgres", "row_exclusive": 0, "share_update_exclusive": 0, "access_share": 1, "access_exclusive": 0, "waiting_exclusive": 0, "siread": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.805551-05", "waiting_share_update_exclusive": 0, "waiting_row_share": 0, "waiting_access_exclusive": 0}, {"exclusive": 0, "waiting_share_row_exclusive": 0, "waiting_share": 0, "row_share": 0, "waiting_row_exclusive": 0, "share_row_exclusive": 0, "port": 45221, "share": 0, "waiting_access_share": 0, "dbname": "repmgr", "row_exclusive": 0, "share_update_exclusive": 0, "access_share": 0, "access_exclusive": 0, "waiting_exclusive": 0, "siread": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.805551-05", "waiting_share_update_exclusive": 0, "waiting_row_share": 0, "waiting_access_exclusive": 0}, {"exclusive": 0, "waiting_share_row_exclusive": 0, "waiting_share": 0, "row_share": 0, "waiting_row_exclusive": 0, "share_row_exclusive": 0, "port": 45221, "share": 0, "waiting_access_share": 0, "dbname": "template1", "row_exclusive": 0, "share_update_exclusive": 0, "access_share": 0, "access_exclusive": 0, "waiting_exclusive": 0, "siread": 0, "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.805551-05", "waiting_share_update_exclusive": 0, "waiting_row_share": 0, "waiting_access_exclusive": 0}], "loadavg": [{"load1": "0.12", "load15": "0.08", "load5": "0.09", "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}], "db_size": [{"port": 45221, "size": 7518744, "dbname": "postgres", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.82566-05"}, {"port": 45221, "size": 7518744, "dbname": "template1", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.82566-05"}, {"port": 45221, "size": 10836504, "dbname": "repmgr", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.82566-05"}, {"port": 45221, "size": 38595385880, "dbname": "ishare", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.82566-05"}], "memory": [{"mem_used": 50215403520, "swap_used": 0, "swap_total": 2164256768, "mem_total": 67387781120, "mem_cached": 48197873664, "mem_free": 17172377600, "mem_buffers": 69632, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}], "tblspc_size": [{"size": 42232426, "port": 45221, "spcname": "pg_default", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.829192-05"}, {"size": 607000, "port": 45221, "spcname": "pg_global", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.829192-05"}, {"size": 38586482688, "port": 45221, "spcname": "ishare_data", "datetime": "2017-10-01 23:21:35.829192-05"}]}, "hostinfo": {"os_version": "3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64", "cpu_count": 16, "memory_size": 67387781120, "cpu_arch": "x86_64", "os_flavor": "CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)", "ip_addresses": ["", "", ""], "hostname": "dbpg07.chi.accertify.net", "os": "Linux", "cpus": [{"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "0", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "1", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "2", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "3", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "4", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "5", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "6", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "7", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "8", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "9", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "10", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "11", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "12", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "13", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "14", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}, {"cache_size": "4096 KB", "core_id": "0", "cpu_mhz": "2399.996", "processor": "15", "model_name": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)"}], "filesystems": [{"device": "/dev/mapper/centos-root", "total": 40237273088, "mount_point": "/", "used": 3596558336}, {"device": "devtmpfs", "total": 33682579456, "mount_point": "/dev", "used": 0}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/dev/shm", "used": 24576}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/run", "used": 403042304}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 33693888512, "mount_point": "/sys/fs/cgroup", "used": 0}, {"device": "/dev/vda1", "total": 520794112, "mount_point": "/boot", "used": 164532224}, {"device": "/dev/mapper/vgpostgres-pgdata", "total": 1098970566656, "mount_point": "/pgdata", "used": 47711465472}, {"device": "", "total": 281472822935552, "mount_point": "/backup04", "used": 262855429455872}, {"device": "tmpfs", "total": 6738780160, "mount_point": "/run/user/261400094", "used": 0}, {"device": "backup02.chi.accertify.net:/pgbackup", "total": 70366602985472, "mount_point": "/pgbackup", "used": 70855426048}]}, "datetime": "2017-10-02 04:21:35 +0000"}'
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/temboardagent/plugins/supervision/__init__.py", line 348, in supervision_sender_worker
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     msg.content)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/temboardagent/plugins/supervision/output.py", line 33, in send_output
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     data = json.loads(j_output)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/temboardagent/httpsclient.py", line 68, in https_request
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     handle = url_opener.open(request)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 437, in open
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     response = meth(req, response)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,050 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 550, in http_response
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 475, in error
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     return self._call_chain(*args)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 409, in _call_chain
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     result = func(*args)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 558, in http_error_default
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG:     raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] ERROR: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: Duration: 570.624023438.
2017-10-02 11:07:21,051 temboard-agent[32091]: [supervision_sender_worker] DEBUG: Failed.
2017-10-02 11:07:21,482 temboard-agent[31405]: [scheduler] DEBUG: Removing command with commandid=edd7dbdf5d1810a842851aee7a101458.
2017-10-02 11:07:21,983 temboard-agent[31405]: [scheduler] DEBUG: Removing command with commandid=fba50d030fe47a0774315ea5bedd8149.
bersace commented 6 years ago

Hi @bsislow , Thangs for the report.

Mixing versions is problematic for now due to rename in URLs (supervision has been renamed to monitoring and settings has been renamed to pgconf).

The agent logs tells the server returned a 500 error upon agent request to post monitoring payload Can you post the server log ?

bsislow commented 6 years ago


We do not have mixed versions:

# rpm -qa | grep temboard

The same agent version is installed on every host as well (0.0.1).

I see this repeating for different servers. Server name removed. 2017-10-02 03:39:19,582 temboard[9561]: [temboard] ERROR: Can't find the instance "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" in application.instances table.

What part of the server log do you need us to post?

bsislow commented 6 years ago

We assumed this had to do with the application.instances name.

We add agents to the interface and some work with the fully qualified extension and some do not - aka:

server.abc and server.abc.company.net

If we fully qualify the configurations where the charts do not work, they start working if fully qualified.

Upon adding the agent, we shorten the server name to server.abc for brevity in the interface. This data is stored in the applications.instances table as a result of this.

Does this have something to do with /etc/resolv.conf perhaps?

julmon commented 6 years ago

Hi @bsislow,

If you don't want to use system FQDN, you can set the hostname seen by temboard agent using hostname options in [temboard] section of temboard-agent.conf file :

hostname = server.abc

Then, restart the agent.


bsislow commented 6 years ago

Ok, we will use the strategy. Thank you for your input.

You can close this case out.