dally96 / DisplacedTauAnalysis

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Stau to mu and e eff and res plots (fixed) #15

Open dally96 opened 6 months ago

dally96 commented 6 months ago

Stautomu_eff_pt.pdf Stautomu_eff_eta.pdf Stautomu_eff_dxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_lxy.pdf Stautoe_eff_pt.pdf Stautoe_eff_eta.pdf Stautoe_eff_dxy.pdf Stautoe_eff_lxy.pdf Stautomu_resVsPt_pt.pdf Stautomu_resVsEta_pt.pdf Stautomu_resVsDxy_pt.pdf Stautomu_resVsLxy_pt.pdf Stautomu_resVsPt_dxy.pdf Stautomu_resVsEta_dxy.pdf Stautomu_resVsDxy_dxy.pdf Stautomu_resVsLxy_dxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_promptmutype_pt.pdf Stautomu_eff_promptmutype_eta.pdf Stautomu_eff_promptmutype_dxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_promptmutype_lxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_dismutype_pt.pdf Stautomu_eff_dismutype_eta.pdf Stautomu_eff_dismutype_dxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_dismutype_lxy.pdf

All of these plots have a pt > 20 GeV cut and an |eta| < 2.4 cut. The files with prompt/dis muon type in the name graphs the prompt and dis muon recon according to all, global, and STA only muons.