dally96 / DisplacedTauAnalysis

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Stau to Muon ID efficiencies #16

Open dally96 opened 6 months ago

dally96 commented 6 months ago

Stautomu_eff_ID_pt.pdf Stautomu_eff_ID_eta.pdf Stautomu_eff_ID_dxy.pdf Stautomu_eff_ID_lxy.pdf

All muons have a pt > 20 GeV cut and |eta| < 2.4 cut. The medium and loose IDs are based on the booleans available in the Nano AOD. For the tight ID, the selections used are

Muon_isGlobal == 1
Muon_isPFcand == 1
Muon_nStations > 1
Muon_nTrackerLayers > 5
Muon_trkChi2 < 10
Muon_muonHits > 0
Muon_pixelHits > 0