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App Delegate vs. Scene Delegate #72

Open daltonturner opened 1 year ago

daltonturner commented 1 year ago

The Scene Delegate and the App Delegate are two classes in iOS development that are responsible for different aspects of an app's lifecycle.

The App Delegate is responsible for managing the overall flow of the app, including handling events such as the app launching and entering the background. It also manages the app's window, which is the top-level container for all of the app's views.

The Scene Delegate is a newer class, introduced in iOS 13, that is responsible for managing the lifecycle of individual scenes within an app. A scene represents a single instance of an app's user interface, such as a window or tab. The Scene Delegate is responsible for managing the state of the scene, including events such as the scene appearing and disappearing.

In summary, the App Delegate handles the overall flow of the app, while the Scene Delegate handles the flow of individual scenes within the app.

daltonturner commented 1 year ago

The management of the overall flow of the app refers to the control and coordination of the various parts of the app as a whole, including handling events such as the app launching and entering the background. The App Delegate is responsible for this type of management, and it is typically where you would handle things like initializing the app's data and setting up the app's user interface.

Scene management, on the other hand, refers to the control and coordination of individual scenes within the app. A scene represents a single instance of an app's user interface, such as a window or tab. Scene management includes things like creating and destroying scenes, as well as handling events such as the scene appearing and disappearing. The Scene Delegate is responsible for this type of management and it is typically where you would handle things like creating and configuring view controllers for a scene and managing the scene's state.

In summary, the App Delegate handles the overall flow of the app, while the Scene Delegate handles the flow of individual scenes within the app. AppDelegate is in charge of the entire app, SceneDelegate is in charge of individual scene, or window, within the app.