dalyons / redmine-todos-scrum-plugin

A scrum-like todos plugin for Redmine. Allows easy creation and management of infinitely nestable todo lists on a per project basis, that in the future will be able to be organised into sprints(or releases). Also provides global 'My Todos' for all projects. Todos can be allocated to uses, and tied to Redmine Issues.
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Internal error, when My Todos #17

Closed kimse closed 14 years ago

kimse commented 14 years ago

Internal error

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistan

Here is how it's installed: projects:/usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8/vendor/plugins# git clone git://github.com/dalyons/redmine-todos-scrum-plugin.git redmine_todos_plugin Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8/vendor/plugins/redmine_todos_plugin/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 856, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (551/551), done. remote: Total 856 (delta 471), reused 399 (delta 235) Receiving objects: 100% (856/856), 401.50 KiB | 402 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (471/471), done. projects:/usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8/vendor/plugins# rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production (in /usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8) Migrating engines... Migrating actionwebservice... Migrating acts_as_activity_provider... Migrating acts_as_attachable... Migrating acts_as_customizable... Migrating acts_as_event... Migrating acts_as_list... Migrating acts_as_searchable... Migrating acts_as_tree... Migrating acts_as_versioned... Migrating acts_as_watchable... Migrating classic_pagination... Migrating coderay- Migrating gloc-1.1.0... Migrating gravatar... Migrating redmine_todos_plugin... Migrating rfpdf... Migrating ruby-net-ldap-0.0.4... Migrating timesheet_plugin... projects:/usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8/vendor/plugins# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting . projects:/usr/local/lib/redmine-0.8/vendor/plugins#

Versions: Redmine 0.8.7.stable.3297 ruby 1.8.7 rack (1.1.0) rails (2.1.2) rake (0.8.7) Debian (5.0.3)

dalyons commented 14 years ago

kimse - as it says in the README, you need at least rails 2.2.1 to run the plugin. I would suggest either installing 2.2.1 and chaging your RAILS_VERSION in config/enviroment.rb, or upgrade to redmine 0.9.x (which uses rails 2.3.5)