dalyons / redmine-todos-scrum-plugin

A scrum-like todos plugin for Redmine. Allows easy creation and management of infinitely nestable todo lists on a per project basis, that in the future will be able to be organised into sprints(or releases). Also provides global 'My Todos' for all projects. Todos can be allocated to uses, and tied to Redmine Issues.
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Routes wrong in Activity view #21

Open sdavis26 opened 14 years ago

sdavis26 commented 14 years ago

They are coming out: /projects/:project_id/todos/show/:id

They should be /project/:project_id/todos/:id

An interim fix is to add this line to the redmine_todos_plugin/config/routes.rb map.connect 'projects/:project_id/todos/show/:id', :controller => "todos", :action => "show"

srilur commented 12 years ago

This is a just a quick fix to not have a broken route. But I was wondering if I can provide a link to Todo for a edit from the Activity view . Have anyone figured that out?

ghost commented 12 years ago


I really got problem with this route, it causes 500.html (500 Internal Server Error) with Activity page:

ActionView::TemplateError (No route matches {:controller=>"projects/test/todos", :action=>"show", :id=>#<Todo id: 91, due: "2012-08-01 00:00:00", priority: nil, parent_id: nil, text: "test", author_id: 38, assigned_to_id: 38, issue_id: 950, created_at: "2012-08-01 09:29:49", updated_at: "2012-08-01 09:29:49", done: nil, completed_at: nil, position: 29, todoable_id: 77, todoable_type: "Project">}) on line #54 of app/views/users/show.html.erb:
51:   <dt class="<%= e.event_type %>">
52:   <span class="time"><%= format_time(e.event_datetime, false) %></span>
53:   <%= content_tag('span', h(e.project), :class => 'project') %>
54:   <%= link_to format_activity_title(e.event_title), e.event_url %></dt>
55:   <dd><span class="description"><%= format_activity_description(e.event_description) %></span></dd>
56: <% end -%>
57: </dl>

Please help me fix this, thanks!
