damageboy / daemaged.gitinfoplanter

Plant Git Information into .NET Assemblies using Mono.Cecil
MIT License
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Support remote http git repositories #11

Closed amibar closed 10 years ago

amibar commented 10 years ago

Hi @damageboy ,

I am using TFS build machine with git repository and want to use the gitinfoplanter.

When the build machine builds the project it doesn't really clone the git repository, but just create a local snapshot of the branch. I need a way to tell the gitinfoplanter where it can get the git information from. For TFS it's a url, such as: http://tfssrv:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_git/MyProject


amibar commented 10 years ago

I got it wrong, the TFS create a .git repository, so it works.

Case closed. Thanks.