damageboy / daemaged.gitinfoplanter

Plant Git Information into .NET Assemblies using Mono.Cecil
MIT License
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Add an msbuild condition variable (DontGitInfoPlant) to skip running #12

Open amibar opened 10 years ago

amibar commented 10 years ago


I want to run the GitInfoPlanter only when the build is running on the build machine and avoid it otherwise. Please add a condition variable, such as DontGitInfoPlant, to let the project decide to run the GitInfoPlanter or not.

Thanks, Ami

damageboy commented 10 years ago

I'll do it as DontPlantGitInfo :)

roji commented 10 years ago

I vote for DontShechterizeMyCode

amibar commented 10 years ago

@damageboy, Check the PR, I added the DontPlantGitInfo flag to msbuild target