damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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styling the notebook conflicts with reveal #361

Open boffi opened 6 years ago

boffi commented 6 years ago

Sometimes I use HTML(open('my.css').read()) in an initialization cell to have my notebook styled to follow my tastes: centred equations, fonts, scaling fonts, no cell numbers, reduced cell width; and sometimes I don't.

Recently I started to use RISE and I noticed that the non styled notebooks are rendered correctly, afaict, while the styled ones show gigantic characters (both text and MathJax) w/r to the size of code and program output.

I could do w/o my custom CSS, because the most annoying problem (left aligned equations) has been fixed upstream, but sometimes I publish my notebooks using nbviewer and the styled notebooks look so much better... alternatively I can comment the CSS stuff and reload the notebook before RISEing.

I'm here to ask if there is a better solution to my issue.

Thanks for all the stuff, g

In attachment my.css (renamed).


damianavila commented 6 years ago

There is certainly some incompatibility between your customized css and the reveal css. I will try to test your custom css soon to see if I can recommend you a custom rise.css for the RISE view. But, you could start writing that rise.css (https://damianavila.github.io/RISE/customize.html#adding-custom-css) to fit your requirements, if you want.