damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Idea: Remote Presentation Mode #536

Open GadgetSteve opened 4 years ago

GadgetSteve commented 4 years ago

An idea that I would like to put forward is that, in today's online, connected, world, we all end up giving presentations & demonstrations via online mediums. The problem is that we currently either have the choice of:

The first has a number of problems in that the audience can see everything that is going on which can be distracting while the second does not allow us to change the order that things are shown, set the pace, answer questions, etc.

It should be possible to have a presentation mode where the presenters choice of information is pushed to a web address for the viewers to see it. The presenter would then be in control of when the slides change, the ordering of them, etc.

I have searched online without finding a suitable technology and thought that a remote presentation mode would be a great fit for RISE.

parmentelat commented 4 years ago

Hi; thanks for your interest ! However i am afraid that I fail to see precisely where you are going with this; can you please be a little more specific ?

GadgetSteve commented 4 years ago

@parmentelat As I said above there are currently 2 presentation options - 1 live presenting face to face or with a shared screen & 2 let people download their own copy and proceed at their own pace. I am thinking that there is a good possibility to have a live presentation where the current slide is available as a web page with the audio going via another mechanism, (e.g. Skype), but with the presenter in control of what gets shown on that web page.

I am thinking of live remote presenting without screen share - the quality of which is often poor. This would allow the presenter to revise the order, or possibly go back, put up additional material, live code, etc.

Any clearer?

parmentelat commented 4 years ago

er, no, sorry but please do not let that discourage you from proposing more concrete changes/ideas :)

damianavila commented 4 years ago

I think @GadgetSteve is asking for something like multiplexing. This is actually already supported by reveal.js: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#multiplexing. We could "potentially" support this, not sure how much work would be involved to make it happen.

GadgetSteve commented 4 years ago

Thank-you @damianavila this is indeed exactly what I was looking for (except of course that I was hoping to use it from within Jupyter/RISE of course)!