damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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How to change the font-family of a div.input_area? #557

Closed prosoitos closed 3 years ago

prosoitos commented 3 years ago

Thanks for RISE :slightly_smiling_face:

I managed to transpose most of my usual reveal.js custom css to RISE, but there is one thing that keeps escaping me:

How could I change the font family in the input of code cells?

I could change the font-family for markdown cells without issue. I could also change the font family in inline code without issue with:

.reveal code {
  font-family: xxx;

I can also customize font size, padding, background color, etc. in the inputs of code cells with:

div.input_area {

But font-family does not work in that block. Nor does it inherit the .reveal code font family as a classic pre code block would. I also tried playing with pre code {}, .rendered_html pre code {}, etc. No luck. I can't find the proper syntax.

Any tip would be appreciated!


prosoitos commented 3 years ago

Never mind (and sorry for the noise!): I found the solution in rise/main.css. It was silly not to look there right away...