damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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[Feature request]: option to remove overlay buttons #561

Open prosoitos opened 3 years ago

prosoitos commented 3 years ago

I don't like the help and exit buttons. On my local machine, I got rid of them by messing up with the main.js file. It's not a great solution as my edits will get overridden by the next update. But mostly, if I make a notebook live on Binder, I cannot do the same thing there.

I thought that I could solve the problem thanks to the css by making them transparent, but I can't as they don't have any css-coded colours and they are just links (so the only way to make them transparent would make all my links transparent).

It would be great if there were an option not to show those buttons.


prosoitos commented 3 years ago

(Note, I know that one can remove them with , but I don't want to see them at all. Plus, people watching my presentation on Binder may not know about that command and are likely to have those buttons visible the entire time).

prosoitos commented 3 years ago

I wouldn't mind them as much if they were very small, for instance in the bottom left corner. But I find them rather big and not particularly nice-looking (I mean no offense!!!!!! This is not meant as criticism and is my very personal, very subjective, and totally biased perception!!!). Plus, the exit one in the top left ends up on top of the logo I use in my presentations.

Anyway, if an option to get rid of them entirely existed or if it were possible to customize them (size, position, colour) in the css, that would be great.

Thanks!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

parmentelat commented 3 years ago


I just just released 5.7.0-dev5 you can install this as always with

pip install --pre rise

this release has a new setting rise.show_buttons_on_startup that you can set to false (the buttons still show up, but go away after 2 seconds)

on a regular setup you can tweak this interactively through the nbextensions configurator in jupyter classic like here https://rise.readthedocs.io/en/stable/customize.html#the-configurator

I'm not quite sure how to go about configuring the binder image though; it's been a while since I did this for the last time (there are many different ways to customize notebook extensions) feel free to come back here if you hit a wall on that one

prosoitos commented 3 years ago

Great! Thank you @parmentelat. I'll explore and report here.