damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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`data-auto-animate` not working #591

Open Jegp opened 3 years ago

Jegp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for an outstanding product!

I was trying out the auto-animate feature of Reveal.js, but found that it failed completely in RISE. Here is a snippet from the docs that should animate:

<section data-auto-animate>
<section data-auto-animate>
  <h1 style="margin-top: 100px; color: red;">Auto-Animate</h1>

Does anyone have an idea where/why this goes wrong? I'm happy to contribute code to help fix this.

damianavila commented 3 years ago

We are probably not supporting that reveal.js feature, @Jegp. There are several features coming from reveal.js that are not fully mapped in RISE. And the customization of the sections is one of those examples.