damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Unable to remove rise/main from Jupyter extensions #602

Open DrSHendricks opened 2 years ago

DrSHendricks commented 2 years ago

I followed RISE 5.7.1/Disable and Removal, the icon was removed from the toolbar, but the extension is still on my Jupyter extension list and the rise setting on my slides remained too. I tried to remove it again, it says 'PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are missing from the target environment:

notebook section rise/main enabled

damianavila commented 2 years ago

Usually, these sorts of errors raise when you have RISE installed locally but also in sys-prefix, and there is a mix because you are getting messages from different environments.

Getting the full log from the jupyter-nbextension list could help (I do not see the config dir info from the output you posted above.

avigliotti commented 2 years ago

I am also trying to remove RISE because it was non properly working (the start/stop button doesn't show but the cell slide-show was), when I try jupyter-nbextension list I get an empty list: Known nbextensions: but still the slide-show tool bar can be switched on and off

I am on a Linux/Xubuntu