damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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chalkboard pen lost #604

Open feng-li opened 2 years ago

feng-li commented 2 years ago

With a RISE (5.7.1) chalkboard enabled Notebook, I found it strange that the chalk in the chalkboard was sometimes lost. For example

  1. Click the pen and write something.
  2. ArrowRight and ArrowLeft again (I know this is not encouraged, but the muscle memory did it anyway)
  3. Now the pen does not work anymore unless I reset with the = key.

Question: Is there a bug or at least can I reset the chalkboard without cleaning the board?

damianavila commented 2 years ago

Chalkboard capabilities are provided by a 3rd party plugin, it might be the case there is a bug. Alternatively, there might be an issue in the intersection between the chalkboard keys and the RISE ones. We will investigate. Thanks for the report!