damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Invisible progress bars when using ipywidgets / tqdm progress bars #621

Open ndalchau opened 1 year ago

ndalchau commented 1 year ago

I always use ipywidgets to make tqdm progress bars look nicer in Jupyter notebooks: image

Unfortunately, this does not render correctly when presenting in RiSE: image

The progress bar is invisible, and the font sizes are too small.

Is RiSE compatible with ipywidgets?

parmentelat commented 1 year ago


We have examples of interactive demos in rise built on top of ipywidgets, so generally speaking I would tend to say yes

this being said, I was not aware of that library, so I have an empty mileage as per the README though https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm#ipython-jupyter-integration, it looks like you're supposed to import stuff through the tqdm.notebook module, right ?

have you tried that approach ?

ndalchau commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response @parmentelat . I've tried using all of the various incarnations that I know about. I find that from tqdm.notebook import tqdm and from tqdm.auto_notebook import tqdm give the same behaviour as from tqdm.auto import tqdm, as above.

patnr commented 7 months ago

I'm pretty sure this has to do with the CSS class .progress being used by both tqdm and reveal.js, where the latter applies display: none when toggling the presentation mode. Not sure how to fix it but including this in my local CSS made the tqdm progress bars appear in presenter mode (but not when toggling back to regular view):

.widget-hprogress .progress {
  display: block !important;