damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Reveal / Speaker note: start at selected cell? #622

Open jchwenger opened 2 years ago

jchwenger commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for the great extension, very nice!

I'm wondering about something: when starting Rise, it's possible to enter the slideshow right at the selected cell. However, when it comes to testing the speaker note/speaker view, the only mode is restarting at the beginning.

Is there an option to open the speaker notes at the selected cell by any chance?

Thank you very much in advance, Jeremie

ghost commented 1 year ago

Customizing RISE

What to configure

Here's a list of things that can be customized. See below for more details on how to implement those settings.

Choosing a theme

You can configure the theme of your presentation (which controls the general look and feel of the presentation) with:

 "rise": {"theme": "sky"}

For a listing of built-in themes to choose from, see the reveal.js theme documentation.

Choosing a transition

The transition configuration defines what happens in between slides:

 "rise": {"transition": "zoom"}

Automatically launch RISE

You can setup your notebook to start immediately with the slideshow view using the autolaunch config option. This typically is very helpful if you plan on publishing slideshows through something like mybinder.org:

 "rise": {"autolaunch": true}

Choosing where the slideshow begins

The following configuration changes where the slides begin. By default, RISE will start at the selected slide. To have it start at the first slide instead, use this configuration:

 "rise": {"start_slideshow_at": "beginning"}

Select cells based on the current slide

As you progress into your slideshow, you either move to a new (sub)slide, or show (or hide) a new fragment; whenever any of these events occur, you may wish to have the jupyter selection keep in sync or not; this is the purpose of the auto-select feature.

There are currently two settings that let you change the way auto-select behaves, here are their default values:

 "rise": {"auto_select": "code",
          "auto_select_fragment": true}

auto_select can be any of:

auto_select_fragment is a boolean that states whether auto-selection should select cells based on the current slide as a whole (when set to false) or restrict to the current fragment (when set to true, the default).

These settings are experimental and may change in the future; hopefully the current default behaviour is just fine. We might remove auto_select_fragment as a setting altogether; we might also turn auto_select into a mere boolean, since the current setting auto_select = "first" has not proved of any practical value. Regardless, it seems like the most meaningful combinations as of now are either auto_select = "none" - in which case the other setting is ignored, or auto_select = "code" and auto_select_fragment = true, which now is the default.

Change the width and height of slides

To control the width and height of your slides, use the following configuration:

 "rise": {"width": "90%",
          "height": "90%"}


Decorating all slides

RISE offers two levels for inserting a static background. You can either

So if you define overlay, the 3 latter options will be ignored.


It is possible to add the config option overlay to build a constant background. It is wrapped in a<div>, so it can be text or html. In this case, the user is entirely responsible for styling. For example:

 "rise": {
     "overlay": "<div class='myheader'><h2>my company</h2></div><div class='myfooter'><h2>the date</h2></div>"

header, footer and backimage

As a more limited, but often more convenient alternative, you can define any of the following 3 settings.

In this case, minimal styling is applied (floor and ceiling), but user is still responsible for cosmetic styling:

 "rise": {
     "backimage": "mybackimage.png",
     "header": "<h1>Hello</h1>",
     "footer": "<h3>World!</h3>"

You can see some examples using these options at RISE/examples/overlay.ipynb and RISE/examples/header-footer.ipynb, or in binder respectively

Enable a right scroll bar

To enable a right scroll bar when your content exceeds the slide vertical height, use the following configuration:

 "rise": {"scroll": true}

Enable chalkboard capabilities

Starting RISE 5.4.1, we provide some new chalkboard capabilities. To enable them, use the following configuration:

 "rise": {"enable_chalkboard": true}

When enabled, this plugin adds two buttons next to the help button. The first one provides you with a black board. The second one allows you to draw on top of the current slide.

It also reacts to the following additional keyboard commands:

Usage with Leap Motion

Reveal.js supports the Leap Motion controller. To control RISE slides with the Leap, put the reveal leap plugin options in your config with the following parameters:

 "rise": {
     "leap_motion": {
        "naturalSwipe"  : true,     # Invert swipe gestures
        "pointerOpacity": 0.5,      # Set pointer opacity to 0.5
        "pointerColor"  : "#d80000" # Red pointer"nat.png"

To disable it:

 "rise": {
     "leap_motion": "none"

reveal.js configuration options

reveal.js offers a few configuration of its own, as described in reveal.js's documentation. Out of this category, RISE will pass through the following settings:

Adding custom CSS

RISE looks for two css files to apply CSS changes on top of the slideshow view:

Both files need to be placed alongside with the notebook of interest, i.e. in the same directory. You can see some examples using this customization with RISE/examples/showflow.ipynb.

NOTE. The implementation of this feature is rather rough, both css files are blindly included without checking for their existence, which may result in error messages in your browser console, complaining about No such file or directory. These messages can be safely ignored. See also https://github.com/damianavila/RISE/issues/353 about this.

How to customize

RISE can be customized in a lot of ways. As of RISE version 5.3, you can:

  1. use nbextensions_configurator; this tool offers an interactive way to enable, disable and tweak all notebook extensions - see screenshot below;

  2. define settings in JSON files, typically by using python scripts;

  3. you can also embed settings in a specific notebook's metadata;

  4. and you can also provide your own css file(s), that can supersede styling of the various DOM pieces.

The configurator

You may need to install and enable additional modules, refer to this github repo for more details on Jupyter notebook extensions.

In a nutshell:

pip3 install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install


conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_nbextensions_configurator

You should then see a fourth tab in jupyter's directory views, as depicted below. Settings are stored in JSON format, typically in


Using python

As an alternative way, you can tweak your local user's settings with a script rather than from the configurator. For example you can use python like shown in this example below, that leverages the JSON config manager from traitlets:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
from pathlib import Path
path = Path.home() / ".jupyter" / "nbconfig"
cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=str(path))
        "theme": "sky",
        "transition": "zoom",
        "start_slideshow_at": "selected",


Notebook metadata

These settings can also be stored in your notebook metadata, which holds a JSON object, that can be edited through Jupyter's standard menu (Edit → Edit Notebook Metadata); typically it would look like this:

    "rise": {
        "theme": "serif",
        "transition": "zoom",

You can edit notebook metadata as follows

Note on legacy naming

For the remaining of this section, let us forget about custom CSS for a while, and concentrate on the first 3 configuration methods : configurator, JSON files, and notebook metadata.

In all this document we refer to settings stored in a JSON key or filename rise. You may also see some notebooks using the livereveal key instead, which is an older name for the same project. FOr backward compatibility, both names are actually taken into account, however you should know that rise will take precedence on livereveal if the same setting in defined under both names.

You are encouraged to always use the rise naming as much as possible.

Order of precedence

The order of precedence between these 3 sources of configuration is as follows:

Apart from that, the scope of what is configurable through these various channels (configurator, JSON and metadata) is identical, so it is possible to use the configurator as some sort of an online reference manual, as it describes each and every setting.

Local setting vs hosted infrastructure

At this point you need to be aware that:

Keyboard shortcuts and Jupyter actions

Here are the Jupyter actions registered by RISE:

action name                key      behaviour
RISE:slideshow            alt-r  enter/exit RISE Slideshow
RISE:smart-exec                  execute cell, move to the next if on same slide
RISE:toggle-slide        shift-i (un)set current cell as a Slide cell
RISE:toggle-subslide     shift-b (un)set current cell as a Sub-slide cell
RISE:toggle-fragment     shift-g (un)set current cell as a Fragment cell
RISE:toggle-notes                (un)set current cell as a Notes cell
RISE:toggle-skip                 (un)set current cell as a Skip cell
RISE:render-all-cells            render all cells (all cells go to command mode)
RISE:edit-all-cells              edit all cells (all cells go to edit mode)
RISE:rise-nbconfigurator shift-c open the nbconfigurator pane in another tab

Some, but not all, come bound to default keyboard shortcuts. There are 2 ways you can change the bindings

Through JSON

Like the other settings described in this section, you can define shortcuts in JSON with e.g.

 "rise": {
     "shortcuts": {
         "slideshow": "alt-a",
         "edit-all-cells": "ctrl-e"

With the above settings, RISE would not bind the default Alt-R key to RISE:slideshow, but it would bind Alt-A instead. It would also bind RISE:edit-all-cells to Ctrl-e.

Through custom.js

You can also use these actions in some regular javascript code, typically your ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js. Here is an example that will attach one of these actions to a custom keyboard shortcut:

        function(Jupyter) {

            let command_shortcuts = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts;

            // set / unset the 'Slide' tag in slideshow metadata
                'alt-a', 'RISE:slideshow');

Note that with this approach, you will end up with the RISE:slideshow action bound to both Alt-R and Alt-A.

Keyboard shortcut editors

The actions exposed to Jupyter are also present in Jupyter's mainstream keyboard shortcuts editor, that you can use to (un)define your custom shortcuts.

Native keyboard shortcuts for reveal.js and reveal.js plug-ins

Some custom keyboard shortcuts may be defined in RISE to override the default keyboard shortcuts of reveal.js and/or its plug-ins.

The key bindings can be defined via the nbextensions_configurator or directly in JSON.

The table below shows the avaialble key bindings:

module      action               default key  behaviour
main        firstSlide           home         jump to first slide
main        lastSlide            end          jump to last slide
main        toggleOverview       w            toggles slide overview
main        fullscreenHelp       f            show fullscreen help
main        riseHelp             ?            show the RISE help
chalkboard  clear                -            clear full size chalkboard
chalkboard  reset                =            reset chalkboard data on current slide
chalkboard  toggleChalkboard     [            toggle full size chalkboard
chalkboard  toggleNotesCanvas    ]            toggle notes (slide-local)
chalkboard  download             \            download recorded chalkboard drawing

In JSON the native reveal.js keyboard shortcuts can be defined as shown in the example below:

 "rise": {
     "reveal_shortcuts": {
         "main": {
            "toggleOverview": "tab"
         "chalkboard": {
            "clear": "ctrl-k"
parmentelat commented 1 year ago

Hi there what point is it that you are trying to make ? is it possible that you find some intermediate between the one-liner (personally I don't do facebook) and the spam-like post ?

jchwenger commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

Thanks for the reply! There was indeed no need to paste all this, a link to the docs would have been enough ;).

Thing is, I'm not sure I find what I asked about in all this. The closest is:

Choosing where the slideshow begins

The fact that I can start the presentation from the current slide is great!

My question is: does the same option exist for the speaker notes??

Currently, even if the presentation starts at the current slide, the notes start from the beginning only.

I could not find out if there was an option to change that. (No problem if that's not supported, I'm sure it must be time consuming to implement all this.)

Thanks a lot!

parmentelat commented 1 year ago


sorry to have overlooked this the first time around well no as far as I can remember there is no such option I tend to think that when starting at the current slide, the speaker notes should start at that same position (what would be the point otherwise ?) so this definitely smells like a bug !

this being said I am not a great notes user myself so I guess that's why I never noticed

sorry for the inconvenience; it might be reasonably easy to fix though, if you feel like giving it a try :)

jchwenger commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Ok, all good! Ah, it would be nice, if time allowed! To be honest I really don't see this happening right now, but maybe in the future, yes.

And indeed the speaker notes, I can confirm, only ever start from the beginning, at least for me.
