damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Create a jupyter-slides (name to be discussed ;-) organization to house several Jupyter slideshows projects #635

Open damianavila opened 1 year ago

damianavila commented 1 year ago

@bollwyvl captured quite well the story around presenting with Jupyter at https://github.com/deathbeds/jupyterlab-deck/blob/main/examples/History.ipynb.

Currently, we have RISE (supporting the v6 notebook), the JLab-compatible incantation that was pushed forward by @fcollonval as a PR on this very same repo (https://github.com/damianavila/RISE/pull/605) but eventually landed in https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/rise, and a new attempt to solve the problem called jupyterlab-deck living at https://github.com/deathbeds/jupyterlab-deck.

I think we can all benefit if we join forces with a GH organization that can sustain independent but super-related projects like the ones I mentioned above. For instance, the JLab-compatible rise implementation now lives in a different repo (for simplicity at the time to generate a package) but it obviously shares a lot of stuff with the original v6-compatible RISE. The jupyterlab-deck project is using the already established nbconvert/RISE metadata, so any changes in that aspect of RISE going forward can be (previously to be implemented) discussed and agreed on so jupyterlab-deck keeps compatibility on that aspect (or maybe influence RISE somehow in the other direction!!).

I also see how other implementations of the "Jupyter slides" (presenting with Jupyter) can converge on this yet-to-be-created new organization, giving people enough freedom to keep exploring the space on their own independent repo but benefiting, at the same time, of having a shared space where we can all discuss ideas relevant to this topic.

@bollwyvl, @fcollonval, @parmentelat, WDYT?

In summary, the proposal follows:

  1. [ ] Create a new GH organization (Jupyter Slides... suggestions for other names are welcome :wink:).
  2. [ ] Move repos into the new org:
  3. [ ] Set up permissions properly so everyone has the flexibility they want on those repos.
  4. [ ] Tell people about this!!
  5. [ ] Do more fun stuff!!

Btw, I will be more than happy to push forward on the steps I am proposing above if we get a general agreement.

Thoughts are welcome!!

fcollonval commented 1 year ago

Thanks @damianavila

Yes it sounds like a good plan.

parmentelat commented 1 year ago

sounds like a great idea indeed !

westurner commented 1 year ago


There are many great slides solutions. IDK which org repo is best or necessary?

It would be great to get something merged into JupyterLab (and thereby also Retro Notebook, which is based on JupyterLab instead of nbclassic) that's better than "Save as slides (Reveal.js HTML)" and "Presentation Mode".

westurner commented 1 year ago

https://jupyter.org/governance/overview.html#other-major-components-of-the-organization :

  • Distinguished Contributors
  • Standing Committees and Working Groups
  • Software Subprojects


https://jupyter.org/governance/list_of_subprojects.html#list-of-official-jupyter-subprojects :

  • Official Subprojects with SSC representation
  • Official Subprojects without SSC representation
westurner commented 1 year ago
westurner commented 1 year ago


https://jupyter.org/governance/list_of_subprojects.html#list-of-official-jupyter-subprojects :

  • Official Subprojects with SSC representation
  • Official Subprojects without SSC representation
cpjobling commented 9 months ago

As a long-term user of RISE in my teaching and an early adopter of the jupyterlab-myst extension (which needs JL 4) I would certainly be interested in this project.

Currently, jupyterlab-deck is the only extension I've found that supports the enhanced outputs provided by the myst extension, but its navigation doesn't seem to work properly: particularly for subslides.

The jupyterlab-rise extension exists, but it is missing some of the UI elements that RISE provides. In particular, the facility to show the slide controls in the cells. There is no usage documentation, so it is unclear how RISE is supposed to work in Jupyter Lab. Furthermore, any myst blocks that are rendered in the jupyter lab editor, are not rendered in the slideshow. (This is also true of nbconvert --to slides so the solution may require the cooperation of the jupyterlab-myst project.)

I'm happy to help in testing.