damianavila / RISE

RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
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Searching for a workaround : is it possible to make scrollbar systematically present even on slides too small for it to have a use ? #648

Open vmonteco opened 7 months ago

vmonteco commented 7 months ago

Versions :

rise: 5.7.1 notebook: 6.0.0 scroll is enabled in my config.

What I'm searching for :

I'm searching for a quick fix for my problem from my precedent issue : #647 . Is there a way to make my scrollbar present by default even if not necessary ?

parmentelat commented 7 months ago


the RISE extension, being built on top of the classic notebook which has been deprecated with the release of nb7 in July 2023, is no longer maintained I am afraid

from the experience that I gained while using it in the past, I reckon there were caveats with dealing with output cells, because they appear out of the blue once all the layout is computed, and that's sometimes challenging

my own take on that was primarily to:

this being said I don't know the exact answer to your question it is not quite clear exactly what you're after to be honest, maybe a piece of advice would be to publish a notebook that exhibits just the issue so as to make it easily reproducible at least (I'm not saying you'll automatically get more answers, but it can't hurt)

fyi the replacement for RISE in the jlab4/nb7 world is pip install jupyterlab-rise I have no hands-on experience with that tool though, I hear it's not as polished as this one but it can be interesting to see if your specific problem is better handled there

my $0.02