damianbraun / nominatim

OSM Nominatim API module
Apache License 2.0
27 stars 10 forks source link

Obsolete version on PyPI #3

Closed metamatik closed 9 years ago

metamatik commented 9 years ago

Hi Damian,

I am using your library on my current work project — thanks for sharing! :+1:

I just investigated a bug in my code, which I solved by adding a call to quote_plus, but then I saw in your repo that there was already one such call. Then I understood: the PyPI version is obsolete. :smile:

Do you have plans to update it? Or should I fork your repo and package a version to use on our own private PyPI server?

Thanks in advance! :smiley:

damianbraun commented 9 years ago


I just updated it. :)

metamatik commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Much appreciated :-)