damianfrizzi / fetoolkit

This repository is used to track issues and feature requests
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Enhance widget descriptions #27

Closed pablo-miralles closed 3 years ago

pablo-miralles commented 3 years ago


This is a request for new users like me.

Now, If we want to see what X widget does, we have to open it or use it (for example, if I want to know what the SVG converter widget does, I have to upload an SVG). It will be awesome to have a small description of the widget in each one, to know how all of them work in an easy way.

I thought 2 ways to do it:

damianfrizzi commented 3 years ago

Awesome feedback, thanks! I'm currently working on another feature but this will become the next item on my list.

What do you think about adding a tooltip with the description of the widget to its title (maybe indicated with a small "info" icon)? I'd prefer to keep the widget preview as minimal as possible.

pablo-miralles commented 3 years ago

It would be perfect, because this tool us meant to be used on a desktop.

Thank you for considering!

damianfrizzi commented 3 years ago

Hey @pablo-miralles, I just released a new version including a description tooltip for each widget title. I hope you like it! I'm going to close this issue. If you have more feedback I'd appreciate if you open another issue :)