damianh / LibLog

LibLog is a single file for you to either copy/paste or install via nuget, into your library/framework/application to provide a logging abstraction.
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LibLog 4.2.6 + SeriLog + NUnit: Logger in a subclass does not work #253

Closed swidz closed 5 years ago

swidz commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have noticed the following issue, and wonder if there is something I miss or if there is some problem with the LibLog + SeriLog + NUnit combination setup. I have two classes, where the second is extending the first one. Both have their own private Logger properties. In the NUnit test setup I configure SeriLog Logger. When analyzing output in Visual Studio Test Explorer I can only see entries from class A but no entries from class B

public class A 
    private static readonly ILog Logger = LogProvider.GetCurrentClassLogger();
    public void Foo()
        Logger.DebugFormat("{MethodName} called", nameof(Foo))
public class B : A
    private static readonly ILog Logger = LogProvider.GetCurrentClassLogger();
    public void SomeOtherMethod()
        //This is not visible in tests output
        Logger.DebugFormat("{MethodName} called", nameof(SomeOtherMethod));
    public class MyTestsSetup
        public void SetupTests()
            //Initiate Logger
            Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

        public void DisposeTests()
public class MyTestClass
    public void MyTest1()
        var a = new A();
        a.Foo(); //Log entries are visible in the test output

    public void MyTest1()
        var b = new B();
        b.SomeOtherMethod(); //Log entries are NOT visible in the test output

I am using .NET 4.6.1 LibLog 4.2.6 SeriLog 2.8 SeiLog.Sinks.Console 3.1.1 NUnit 3.12

Best regards, Sebastian

swidz commented 5 years ago

This issue is related to NUnit. When running in console, everything works as expected.