damianmgarcia / Hide-n-Seek

Hide promoted jobs and companies on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
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Block Job Posts Containing Specific Words or Phrases #29

Open bjahnke opened 5 months ago

bjahnke commented 5 months ago

User Story: As a Software Engineer in lower years of experience, I want granular control over what jobs appear in my search results. In my current search, I am not interest in jobs containing words such as "Principal", "Staff", "Cyber Security", "DevOps", "IT Specialist", Etc. This will help my job search by further honing a job market that is relevant to my skills and experience.

LinkedIn/Indeed do not currently provide adequate filtering; LinkedIn and Indeed's "Experience Level" filter is practically arbitrary in what it filters.

This feature may be a good extension to this project.

damianmgarcia commented 5 months ago

Hello bjahnke!

I really like your idea of allowing users to block jobs if the job title matches a blocked word. This is something I would like to add in the future, but I cannot provide an ETA for it.

Thanks so much for writing this. I wish you the best of luck in your job search! :)

bjahnke commented 5 months ago

I've been taking a look myself to see what I can do, although I don't have the know how with front-end stuff to put up a solution quickly. I'm currently using Ublock Origin's static filtering to do this. Its definitely been super useful.