damianszczepanik / cucumber-reporting

HTML reports for Cucumber
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Generate Cucumber Report with Tags Excluded #1111

Open fajaranshari opened 1 year ago

fajaranshari commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a question. in jenkinsfile I want to exclude tags overview and report-tag HTML to not be generated because we have an issue with disk usage. I tried to use

def conf() { def configuration = new net.masterthought.cucumber.Configuration( new File("${Configs.final_report}"), 'Your Project Name' ) configuration.setTagsToExcludeFromChart(".*") return configuration } and call the conf() on

cucumber fileIncludePattern: 'all_test_result.json', jsonReportDirectory: "${Configs.final_report}", buildStatus: 'FAILURE', failedScenariosNumber: 0, trendsLimit: 25 pluginConfig: [ [$class: 'CucumberTestResultArchiver'], [$class: 'CucumberReportPublisher', config: conf] ] But seems like the tags-overview still generated. Do you have a suggestion? Thank you

damianszczepanik commented 12 months ago

If should accept regexp https://github.com/damianszczepanik/cucumber-reporting/blob/master/src/main/java/net/masterthought/cucumber/json/deserializers/TagsDeserializer.java#L29 - did you try with simpler configuration?