damienbod / AspNetCoreLocalization

Localization.SqlLocalizer & ASP.NET Core MVC Localization Examples
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How is SqlStringLocalizer turned into IStringLocalizer<SharedResource>? #63

Open veimis opened 5 years ago

veimis commented 5 years ago

The SqlStringLocalizerFactory.Create -method creates a new SqlStringLocalizer, which derives from IStringLocalizer.

The AboutController however expects a IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> and that is injected by the DI container, but how is the SqlStringLocalizer cast into IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> (as it does not derive from IStringLocalizer<T>)?

Suppose I'd like to create the SqlStringLocalizer manually (without the DI), would it be possible? (And cast it to IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> so I can pass it along)

Thanks in advance, Ilkka