damienbod / angular-auth-oidc-client

npm package for OpenID Connect, OAuth Code Flow with PKCE, Refresh tokens, Implicit Flow
MIT License
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[Bug]: Missing field token_type in AuthResult #1906

Closed CesarD closed 2 months ago

CesarD commented 3 months ago



Please provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bug

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Steps to reproduce the behavior

Up to v16.0.1, the OidcSecurityService.getAuthenticationResult() returned a type any. From v17.0.0, it's returning the type AuthResult, which misses a field that (at least I) was expecting to have and that it worked transparently with any, but now it breaks with the new return type.

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

I was expecting AuthResult to include the field token_type among all the other fields it contains.

Additional context

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CesarD commented 2 months ago

Hi @FabianGosebrink / @damienbod

Any idea when the new package version will be released?
