I just happened to notice Quick Accent in PowerToys today and I was wondering if support for my native language could be added? I only need one accent, but I could help with mapping the whole alphabet, if need be.
Unsure if there are many more special characters, but the ones I really use often are mapped to the letter "I" (i):
// Bulgarian
// Alphabet: "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъьЮюЯя"
private static char[] GetDefaultLetterKeyBG(LetterKey letter)
switch (letter)
// There could be more cases ?
case LetterKey.I:
return new char[] { 'ѝ', 'Ѝ' };
return Array.Empty<char>();
[ Bulgarian / 🇧🇬 ]
Good day, @damienleroy ! :wave:
I just happened to notice Quick Accent in
today and I was wondering if support for my native language could be added? I only need one accent, but I could help with mapping the whole alphabet, if need be.Unsure if there are many more special characters, but the ones I really use often are mapped to the letter "I" (i):
Capital - Ѝ Lowercase - ѝ
A quick search brings these results for a character table.
Example in
Following example from Languages.cs
Best regards, Chris