damienvanrobaeys / Run-in-Sandbox

Run PS1, VBS, CMD, EXE, MSI, Intunewin, MSIX, or extract ISO, ZIP in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-click
698 stars 82 forks source link

Discussions about new features and questions #33

Closed Joly0 closed 1 year ago

Joly0 commented 1 year ago

Hey, as discussions is not enabled in this repo, i am opening up an issue ticket for this. There are a few things i´d like to know and maybe you can answer them.

I really like this project and use it quite often now and really want to help it improve.

Maybe you could open up a discussion, so ifnew things can be discussed, then there is a place to do so and one wouldnt have to open up an issue for it

damienvanrobaeys commented 1 year ago

Just added Discussions :-)