damienvanrobaeys / Run-in-Sandbox

Run PS1, VBS, CMD, EXE, MSI, Intunewin, MSIX, or extract ISO, ZIP in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-click
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How to add support for rar files? #48

Open wadid opened 11 months ago

wadid commented 11 months ago

I noticed that I cannot extract winrar files. zip files seem to work and in the script I can find mentioned also 7zip.rar. So 7zip should support winrar files or not? Unfortunately for winrar files there is no context menu shown.

Why is that and how can you add the context menu for winrar archives?

Joly0 commented 8 months ago

Hey, yes. 7zip does support .rar files and therefore a context menu for .rar files could be added. I could look into this and will make changes to my fork. I have an open pr, but there hasnt been any progress in this repo for a while now