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/blog/posts/20151205-BeCarefulWhenCopyingVisualStudioProjects.html #28

Open damirarh opened 1 year ago

damirarh commented 1 year ago


URL: https://www.damirscorner.com/blog/posts/20151205-BeCarefulWhenCopyingVisualStudioProjects.html

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Sergey Gomon on 2016-11-12T16:21:47

Hello! Thank you for the article. I think that "Having discipline from the start" is not a solution for this problem. You can write batch of scripts that can check this problem and fix it automatically or just tell you that there is a problem with GUID.

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Ronan on 2017-03-10T12:10:52

Not exactly. You need to update both the project with the duplicate guid AND any other projects which have a