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/blog/posts/20170203-OfflineInstallationOfNet35InWindows10.html #44

Open damirarh opened 1 year ago

damirarh commented 1 year ago


URL: https://www.damirscorner.com/blog/posts/20170203-OfflineInstallationOfNet35InWindows10.html

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by projo27 on 2017-12-07T10:05:22

Thanks Damir

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Andrew Madge on 2018-10-13T06:15:35

This worked! thank you Damir. Followed MS articles and they were completely useless.

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Lyle D. Gunderson on 2019-01-30T01:28:03

Thank you, Damir, thank you! I tried every other solution I could find, and your advice worked! I did have to edit the name of the .cab file, as the name on the image i downloaded had extra stuff in it (microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cab), but otherwise, everything worked perfectly. At last!!

Thanks again. You rock!

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by fractal ling on 2019-02-12T16:16:02

I cannot thank you enough. I honestly cannot thank you enough. You're awesome.

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Carlos Matamoros on 2019-05-13T22:54:26

Thks ufff bro! :)