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/blog/posts/20180907-ImplementingBasicAuthenticationWithCxf.html #76

Open damirarh opened 1 year ago

damirarh commented 1 year ago


URL: https://www.damirscorner.com/blog/posts/20180907-ImplementingBasicAuthenticationWithCxf.html

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Felipe Crescencio de Oliveira on 2021-06-17T21:38:29

Thank you! Your post and this other post helped me a lot!

I had to set my Bearer token directly in Authorization header:

Map<string, list<string="">> headers2 = new HashMap<string, list<string="">>();
headers2.put("Authorization", Collections.singletonList(pass));

req_ctx.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers2);