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/blog/posts/20190726-CamelHumpsNavigationInVsCode.html #92

Open damirarh opened 1 year ago

damirarh commented 1 year ago


URL: https://www.damirscorner.com/blog/posts/20190726-CamelHumpsNavigationInVsCode.html

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Aleks Sergeyev on 2020-03-20T14:21:08

thanks a lot for the detailed guide!

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Daniel Wolf on 2020-05-22T10:50:54

Thanks a lot! I've been missing this feature ever since moving from VS with ReSharper, but I couldn't figure out how to get the same feature in VS Code.

By the way, I discovered that my version of VS Code comes with existing key bindings for camel hump navigation, so I didn't have to do anything (apart from learning the new shortcuts).

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Simon S on 2020-07-31T12:03:38


damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Phillip Matheson on 2020-09-24T12:00:20

Thanks mate!
After a fresh install of VS Code, i seem to always find myself back on this page. Figured i should say thanks for taking the time to write this up.

We now have native support for setting persistence, so hopefully i wont need this writeup again ;)
But really.... thanks for the contribution. Saved me a few times

damirarh commented 1 year ago

Imported comment written by Lyubomir on 2021-04-06T12:05:45

Thanks! Very much!

micdev42 commented 1 month ago

Hi. Thanks very much for this. I too miss JetBrains CamelHumps and your guide here is excellent. I'm quite new to VSCode so am learning a lot. First thing is how to add those key mappings...