damo-cv / Ada-NETS

This is an official implementation for "Ada-NETS: Face Clustering via Adaptive Neighbour Discovery in the Structure Space" accepted at ICLR 2022.
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struct space中相似度的计算代码和论文不一致 #11

Closed Y1YU closed 2 years ago

Y1YU commented 2 years ago

论文中相似度的计算是Jaccard距离和cosine相似度的加权和。 image


sim = 1.0 * len(query_Rstarset & doc_Rstarset) / len(query_Rstarset | doc_Rstarset)
jd = 1 - sim
cd = D[query_nodeid, idx]
nd = (1-lamb) * jd + lamb * cd


quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dim)      # 定义量化器/索引为l2距离(欧式距离),越小越好
cpu_index = faiss.IndexIVFFlat(quantizer, dim, nlist)
cpu_index.nprobe = nprobe


Thomas-wyh commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your attention to Ada-NETS.

We are using the cosine distance. Although the faiss returns a Euclidean distance, we have converted it to a cosine distance in here.

You can deduce a formula that when the feature vectors are L2 normalized, the Euclidean distance between two features is twice the corresponding cosine distance.

We use similarity in the Eq.2 to describe the method for convenience, but essentially it is the same as distance (d=1-s).

Let me know if there are any further questions.

Y1YU commented 2 years ago

ok,thanks for your answer.

Zhubisong commented 1 year ago
