damog / www-tumblr

Perl interface for the Tumblr API
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video and audio posts failed when using data field #8

Closed xibios closed 10 years ago

xibios commented 10 years ago

First thanks for writing this perl package, it's very useful.

I'm testing the various types of Tumblr posts (http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2#posting) and the post of type video and audio failed when I pass an array in the data field. Tumblr responds with an error: Error uploading video file. (code:400)

In their documentation, the data field is not supposed to be an array like for a photo post.

So I tried by changing your code, in Tumblr.pm function _oauth_request from:

    $message = POST('http://api.tumblr.com/v2/' . $url_path,
        Content_Type => 'form-data',
        Authorization => $authorization_signature,
        Content => [
            %$params, ( $data ? do {
                my $i = -1;
                map { $i++; 'data[' . $i .']' => [ $_ ] } @$data
            } : () )


$message = POST('http://api.tumblr.com/v2/' . $url_path,
        Content_Type => 'form-data',
        Authorization => $authorization_signature,
        Content => [
                %$params, ( $data ? do {
                        if (ref($data) eq 'ARRAY') {
                            my $i = -1;
                            map { $i++; 'data[' . $i .']' => [ $_ ] } @$data
                            'data' => [ $data ]
                } : () )

and now when using such blog post method:

my $post = $blog->post( type => 'video', data => '/home/david/larry.mp4' , # not an array here, just a literal string caption => 'Larry David video' );

it works fine. Same for audio post.

If you agree with my fix, please integrate it in your official CPAN package.

Warm regards,


damog commented 10 years ago

Hi, nice catch. I suppose I never really tried to upload videos or audio clips :)

Would you be able to provide an actual pull request? That's much easier :)

damog commented 10 years ago

It had already been merged.