damonhook / aos-statshammer

A tool for calculating and comparing damage outputs for Warhammer Age of Sigmar units.
MIT License
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Some Kruleboyz specific questions / feature requests #75

Open DirkWolthuis opened 2 years ago

DirkWolthuis commented 2 years ago

Hi @damonhook love your tool!

So I have two situations specific for the Kruleboyz faction:

1) I can't calculate the damage for the Beast-skewer Killbow

From the warscroll: "To determine the Damage characteristic for an attack made with Beast-skewer Bolts, roll a number of dice equal to the Wounds characteristic of the target unit. The Damage characteristic is equal to 2, plus 1 for each roll of 5+, up to a maximum Damage characteristic of 12."

This would probably be a lot of work to add to the app, but wanted to ask anyway :D

2) Something goes wrong when calculating the average damage for Gutrippaz when they are buffed by the Shaman and Sludgeraker So when a unit is buffed by the Sludgeraker Venom and Poison of the Shaman, I get a wrong calculation. When I add a rule for mortals on 6+ with 2 damage and 5+ and 1 damage, the calculations seem off. It ignores the second rule when you have two rules on mortals it seems.

Sludgeraker Venom Add 1 to the number of mortal wounds caused by the Venom-encrusted Weapons battle trait if the unmodified hit roll was 6 and the attacking unit is wholly within 12" of any friendly units with this ability.

Poisons and Elixirs At the start of your hero phase, if this unit is more than 3" from all enemy units, instead of attempting to dispel an endless spell or cast any spells with this unit in that phase, you can say that it is brewing either a poison or an elixir. If you do so, pick 1 friendly KRULEBOYZ ORRUK unit wholly within 12" of this unit, more than 3" from all enemy units and that has at least 1 model within 3" of this unit to be given that poison or elixir. A unit that has been given a poison or elixir cannot be given another poison or elixir in the same hero phase.

Thanks for your great app and if you need help let me know!

damonhook commented 2 years ago


Thanks for reaching out. I am currently in the process of a large re-write of a lot of the logic (as well as cleaning up some inconsistencies with AoS 3.0). I will try answer both of your questions below:

  1. Yeah, as the app currently stands, trying to add that functionality may be fairly difficult (but not impossible). It would require a new way of defining abilities. Something along the lines of the following:

    • Add the ability to set the "targets" wounds characteristic
      • Could even possibly add that as a red horizontal line on the graphs so that people would be able to see whether the average damage is enough to "probably" kill the target unit
    • I would have to find a way to allow you to use this target "variable" in other fields
    • This is obviously quite involved so I definitely can't promise any sort of timeline on it, but it something for me to mull over
  2. Yeah, looking at the processor it does seem to only take the first mortal wounds modifier. This is not correct, so I will have to fix that up.

damonhook commented 2 years ago

An extension onto 1 (basically just jotting down thoughts so I don't forget).

WRT to the scaling damage characteristic. This seems most easily solved via a new ability type (e.g: Determine Damage) Allowing you to do something like:

Roll {num dice}, Increase the damage characteristic of this weapon by {damage} for each roll of {roll}+


Roll 5 dice, Increase the damage characteristic of this weapon by 1 for each roll of 5+

It is clear that as AoS grows, and more "specialised" rules get created, I am going to have to figure out a way for users to create custom rules. But that is much further down the road

DirkWolthuis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the insight @damonhook, cool to read. Also for the point 2: you need to make clear if you add two rules, a hit roll of 6 is counted in each block. So then the logic should be mortals on 5+ for 1 damage, and mortals on 6+ also one damage. So a six does 2 mortals.