dams-mcda / Dams-MCDA

Emma Fox R/Shiny Project with a docker server configuration
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Slider update problem specific to PR #125 #126

Closed elbfox closed 4 years ago

elbfox commented 4 years ago

In the CombinedPreferenceOutput branch (see #125), when I click "Update" on any individual dam page after moving slider bar settings, the app shuts down. There are no error codes so I am not sure what is happening. I put a note there about the error, too.

I'm hoping it's just an indentation problem that's confusing the button --> output functionality.

sythel commented 4 years ago

haven't experienced this. indentation won't cause syntax problems in this language as far as i know

elbfox commented 4 years ago

i know only enough Shiny to get myself into trouble. I'm getting an error when I update any dam criteria sliders.

EDIT: Error code indicates that server.R can't find/use WestEnf_DataMatrix or that it doesn't exist

elbfox commented 4 years ago

Could it be because I rearranged the multi-dam output tabs to show up before the single dam output tabs in the ui.R script?

elbfox commented 4 years ago

This is what is happening before it kicks me out:

BarPlot title: Raw Preference Scores for West Enfield Dam data: c(50, 30, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10)c(7, 13, 12, 3, 4, 10, 2, 5, 8, 9, 6, 1, 11, 14)

(values in data): 2

classtype: data.frame datatype: list

(x names): 14

BarPlot title: Weighted sum MCDA scores, West Enfield Dam data: c(50, 30, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10)c(7, 13, 12, 3, 4, 10, 2, 5, 8, 9, 6, 1, 11, 14)

(values in data): 2

classtype: data.frame datatype: list

(x names): 5

Warning: Error in paste0: cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character' 78: paste0 74: updateDamGraph [C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Beatrice2\R_ELF\R_NEST\MCDA_App_Shiny\MCDA_06262019\src\dams_mcda/server.R#510] 73: updateDam1 [C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Beatrice2\R_ELF\R_NEST\MCDA_App_Shiny\MCDA_06262019\src\dams_mcda/server.R#654] 72: observeEventHandler [C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Beatrice2\R_ELF\R_NEST\MCDA_App_Shiny\MCDA_06262019\src\dams_mcda/server.R#1551]

sythel commented 4 years ago

error is server.R line 630 WestEnf_DataMatrix variable isnt in scope. variables inside WSM/WSM_graphs_test cannot be accessed from server.R by default

shiny_server_1  | update button 1
shiny_server_1  | Warning: Error in : Can not find symbol WestEnf_DataMatrix
sythel commented 4 years ago

updateDam1/update button 1 is called when preferences for dam1 == 100 and the "update" button is clicked

sythel commented 4 years ago

I was planning on making methods generateDam1... generateDam8 to generate plots/tables that rely on data from WSM

sythel commented 4 years ago

server.R line 510

there is no variable a

output[[paste0("WSMPlot", damId, a)]] <- renderBarPlot( 

I assume you want

output[[paste0("WSMPlot", damId, "a")]] <- renderBarPlot( 
elbfox commented 4 years ago

Yes, error is line 630. I'm hoping I have this figured out now...I didn't realize that you were no longer using WSM_graphs_test.R (oops!) and wrote the individual dam tables into there to make sure everything was looking good. I have pulled them into the WSM.R script now. These can be removed later if that cleans things up...I know you were working on tables and while I don't want to duplicate efforts, I do need to do some table & graph comparisons here to make sure everything is calculating correctly for the individual dams.

I will comment out that output for now with the a.

elbfox commented 4 years ago

Yes, output[[paste0("WSMPlot", damId, "a")]] is right

sythel commented 4 years ago
