dams-mcda / Dams-MCDA

Emma Fox R/Shiny Project with a docker server configuration
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Data Upload rows? #132

Closed elbfox closed 4 years ago

elbfox commented 4 years ago

How many rows is the upload preferences dataset supposed to have? I thought 8, but I get an error when I try to load my TestData.csv. I took out the header with the criteria (column) names, too, so it's just the data values.


elbfox commented 4 years ago

Realizing the live version is old (which was my screenshot above), but the local version I have (up to date now with the master) also gave an error (no code or explanation, it just didn't let me press "continue"). @sythel please update the live version when possible. The sooner I can get Sharon's thoughts on it's current status, the better.

sythel commented 4 years ago

deployed branch IndividualDamOutput (matches master mostly) on server

elbfox commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I'll let Sharon know. How many rows, cols is the app expecting the upload preferences dataset to have?

sythel commented 4 years ago
required_rows <- 8                                                                                
required_cols <- 15 # includes dam names in first column

the download file found on combined results page (just re-added now; guessing it was missed in the merge)

elbfox commented 4 years ago

I get a different error when I include the dam names. It says:

Scores do not total correctly, Invalid File.. Please verify you are uploading the correct file or try a different file.


This is the file I'm using (have tried both .csv and .xlsx versions). Am I missing something? TestData_forLiveSite.xlsx

sythel commented 4 years ago

it only supports csv at the moment

sythel commented 4 years ago

oh get rid of the sum row

elbfox commented 4 years ago

Right, I did that to check and included it to show you. I actually didn't include the sum column it when I tried. EDIT: tried again, still no luck. Is it possible that it is checking for each column instead of each row?

sythel commented 4 years ago

debugging now

sythel commented 4 years ago

problem is your file is 0 -> 1 instead of preferences being 0 -> 100

sythel commented 4 years ago

which do we want to stick with for input/output 1 or 100

elbfox commented 4 years ago

OH! I feel so dumb. Thank you. No need to change anything...I'll fix my file and try again

elbfox commented 4 years ago

We want to make sure dams are in the following order (ordered by latitude):

West Enfield Dam Medway Dam East Millinocket Dam Dolby Dam North Twin Dam Millinocket Development Millinocket Lake Dam Ripogenus Dam

sythel commented 4 years ago

the file should change automatically, as its written in order of dams

elbfox commented 4 years ago

Perfect. Closing again.