dams-mcda / Dams-MCDA

Emma Fox R/Shiny Project with a docker server configuration
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Task 6 (Step 2: View Existing FERC Dam Map) WW #73

Closed elbfox closed 5 years ago

elbfox commented 5 years ago

Create hover link or box with "attribute list" of essential info for each dam in the map. Want people to be able to hover and see info Emma will provide in a box, like this.

GGplot2, maptools, rgdal packages in R. Emma to get existing fish habitat polygon from Sam.

elbfox commented 5 years ago

Attribute List

Please see attached file for list values specific to individual dams: Hover_DataTables_forMaps.xlsx

sythel commented 5 years ago

Will need latitude, longitude coordinates for each dam

sythel commented 5 years ago

@elbfox reformatted the dam info file, blank cells for missing latitude/longitude

included 2 file formats


you can commit to format_map_data directly or comment with latitude/longitudes here

elbfox commented 5 years ago

Map file will be .png, similar to the file on "View Existing Dams Map" in step two. Do you still need lat/long to place the hover tables? I can dig up that info, I'm just not sure where I have it saved off the top of my head, and if it's a png I'm not sure how lat/long will help.

elbfox commented 5 years ago

This is the newest version of the "View Existing Dams Map", and I will upload it along with the rest of them once I do a commit. I just wanted to give you a visual. The dams are all labeled on this map, so is it possible to link the data tables with the names? Penobscot_MO_14_0

elbfox commented 5 years ago

First map is wrong, this is the right one (Penobscot_MO_14_443) Penobscot_MO_14_443

sythel commented 5 years ago

is there anything left to do (besides styling) for this issue?

sythel commented 5 years ago

quick attempt at styling done in branch map_label_style

elbfox commented 5 years ago

Styling is fine for now. If Sharon disagrees, will reopen as a new aesthetic revision issue after 9/12.