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Viewer Mode (demo mode) #99

Open alltheseas opened 1 month ago

alltheseas commented 1 month ago

user story

As a damus user who is logged out of their private key and is accessing Damus app, I would like Viewer Mode, where I have a clear indicator that I cannot post, react, or send DMs, so that I am not confused if I forget I am logged out when features do not work.

acceptance criteria

  1. Clearly display in damus app logged out status "Viewer Mode"
  2. If logged in as npub, display clearly "logged in as npub/npub logo"
  3. Disable DMs view.
  4. If user hits DMs display error: "DMs not available while logged out. Log in with your private key (nsec) to access your DMs.
  5. Disable notes creation and reply
  6. If user attempts to create or reply to note display error: "Disable posts not available while logged out. Log in with your private key (nsec) to create note, or reply to note"
  7. Disable reactions
  8. If user attempts to react display error: "Reactions not available while logged out. Log in with your private key (nsec) to enable reactions".
  9. If user taps on "Viewer Mode" label/icon user is prompted "this will log out of viewer mode, are you sure?'
  10. If user hits no, dismiss prompt.
  11. If user hits yes, they are logged out of viewer mode, and returned to start of Damus onboarding flow

transposed from iOS https://github.com/damus-io/damus/issues/1153